A Christmas Carol Character Quotes

  • Created by: abbiedye
  • Created on: 29-06-18 11:08


'The cold within him foxe his old features'

  • character refleted in his looks
  • his nature is compared to winter weather

'A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner!'

  • how he is seen to others
  • builds up a picture of his character with adjectives
  • London = miserable at the time

'He carried his own low temperature about with him'

  • cold, selfish nature affects those around him
  • nobody asks him for the time or directions - lots of people in London at the time


"Your lip is trembling" said the ghost, "And what is that upon your cheek?"

  • shows emotion
  • he sees how unhappy he was as a child

'Scrooge hung his head to hear the words quoted by the spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief'

  • showing emotion
  • reminded of his past actions - guilt

"I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year"

  • enjoys Christmas for the rest of his life
  • changes his behaviour completely
  • has learnt his lesson


"I wear the chain I forged in life" replied the ghost'

  • reminder of life
  • his mistakes and problems made the chain longer / heavier

"Mankind was my business"

  • in life he was like Scrooge
  • tortured in death for his behaviour
  • warns that Scrooge must cahnge

'cash boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deed, and heavy purses wrought in steel'

  • associated with money and business
  • Marley's chain
  • attachment to these symbols - no peace


'Like a child: yet not so like a child'

  • gentle and caring but harsh
  • not old oryoung - represents everyone

'It wore a tunic of the purest white'

  • sent from heaven
  • pure

"Rise! And walk with me!"

  • ghost is to be obeyed

'Branch of fresh green holly




Really Good. Nice and small quotes with simple, yet important explanations. Very useful! 

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