3.2 Commercial Banks and 3.3 Central Banks
- Created by: Emily
- Created on: 19-10-15 18:32
3.2 Commercial Banks
Commercial banks are high-street banks.
Commercial bank activities
Keeping money safe – you can put your money into different types of accounts.
Current accounts are used for regular spending and paying bills
Deposit/Savings Account is for money you save up for later. This earns a higher interest rate
Lending money – to individuals and companies
Loans - you borrow money for several months/years to buy something specific e.g. kitchen
Overdrafts – the bank lets you spend more than you have in your account but expects it to be payed back soon
Credit cards – you can choose to only pay back the money you’ve spent a bit at a time
Mortgages – a big loan for something like a house or factory which is payed back over a long period. The bank keeps the deeds.
Means of making payments
Electronic transfers
Credit/debit cards
Standing orders – you tell the bank to pay the same amount to a person every month
Direct debit – allows someone to take how much you owe them…
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