Year 8 History Assessment Roadmap preparation
- Created by: Jujumonka2011
- Created on: 01-02-24 09:05
Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell won the English Civil War for Parliament, using the New Model Army. He was known as a great military leader and a great asset to England during his time as Lord Protector, though he never actually became King. This period was known as the Interregnum. During his 5 years as Lord Protetcor (though he was known as a King without the title), Cromwell tried to ban: sewaring, drunkennes, theatre and Christmas - but without much sucess! He also invaded Ireland and masacred at least 200,000 innocent lives because, either they didn't support his regiems, or they were strong Catholics. Cromwell is quite a controversial figure because during the Civil War, he fought on the side of Parliament, but when Engalnd was under this control, he 'dissolved the rump' - another name for the 'makeshift' Parliament and the time. He also turned against people who didn't agree with him, for example, the Levellers.
James I
James I
James I became the King of Engalnd in 1603. He believed in the Divine Right of Kings, a belief which stated that a King was God's chosen one so they should have ultimate power. He argued:
"Kings are not only God's lieutenants upon Earth and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself the are called gods."
James spent a lot of money, especailly on the Royal Court; his household cost £3500 a year to run, while Queen Elizabeth's (the previous monarch) had only cost £9,500. To get enough money, he envented the title 'baronet', and sold it for £1000 a time.
There were also rumours about him saying he was unsanitary and unintelligent, however, none of this was ever proved to be true, and some historians actually say he was a very intellectually gifted King.
Charles I
Charles I
Charles I, much like his father, believed in Divine Right of Kings. He was King when the Civil War broke out in 1642. However, he did more to upset his country. Fristly, he was able to create religious uproar all throughout England because of his wife, Henrieta Maria. She was Catholic which was a problem because England and Charles were Protestant. People also were afraid that she had too much power, especially for a woman.
Charles also tried to rule England without Parliament but this backfired on him and he returned to Parliament in 1640 because he needed to fight a war with the Scots because Willaim Laud tried to make them use a new prayer book. He did this because Parliament refused to give him all the money he wanted. However, now he had to raise money himself, and his sloution was to reintroduce Ship Tax, and old tax paid by people near the sea t provide ships for the navy. However, he made everyone pay it!
Just before the Civil War, Charles was given a list of complaints from Parliament, also known as the Grand Remonstrance. Later, he marched into Parliament with 500 soldiers and tried to arrest 5 MPs.
Richard Cromwell
Richard Cromwell
Richard Cromwell ruled as Lord Protector after his father, Oliver Cromwell, died in 1658. He ended up stepping down only 8 months later. He was definately not suited to the task and had barely any control over England. After his resignition, he was labled a coward. His nicknames included: 'Tumbledown ****' and 'Queen ****'.
He travelled all around Europe under false names and actually had a pretty good life. In 1680, he returned to England and lived off the income from his estate in Hursley. He died on 12 July 1712 at the age of 85.
Charles II
Charles II
Charles II was the next King of England. He had been banished from England by Oliver Cromwell, but after Englnd fell apart under Richard Cromwell's rule, he was allowed to return and become King. When he became King was known as the Resoration, because the monarchy had been restored in England.
Charlles wasn't too concerned about England, and was more intrested in his own pleasures than in points of political or religious principle. He had many mistresses which tarnished his image with the public, but he didn't care. He had a hobby of asking newly married coupples how their first marriage night went. He was an unpopular figure, though he did maintain some stability suring his rule.
He did end up dissolving Parliament after the Popish plot when there was an attempt of his life.
James II
James II
James II was the second surviving son of Charles I. James and his wife had many children, though none of them survived long enough to rule. He did have a daughter (Mary) with his first wife, who later on became Queen with her huband, William of Orange. He didn't have a peaceful rule with Parliament, much like other monarchs. His 4 year reign resulted in the Bill of Right, assuring that Parliament and the people had some say and control in England. James was able to have one boy who survived longer than the others, but did not succeed him. His name was James Francis Edward and there were rumors about him not really being roalty. However, Thomas Witherley, who was Second Physician to the King, gave evidence he had been present during the birth.
In Febuary 1689, Parliament declared the abdication of James II because he fled a battle and William and Mary were crowned joint monarchs.
William and Mary
William and Mary
William and Mary were joint monarchs, and their rule was known as 'the Glorious Revolution'. This was because William and Mary brought peace and stability to Englnd; something the country had been lacking for a while now. These monarchs mark more of a permanent shift in the balance of power between King and Parliament. The Glorious Revolution permanently ended any chance of Catholicism becoming re-established in England. Brittish, and Irish Catholic's rights were taken away, for exmaple, they were denied the right to vote. However, Protesants/Puritans were given more power and peace (especially in Scotland).
During their reign, a formal union between England and Scotland was contrived in order to ensure Scotland would have a Protestant succession too.
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