For 8 marks here are ways that policies have created social class inequalities.....
(Only include these if they want you to go this far back in time)
- The 1944 Act introudced the Tripartite System which has created some social class inequalties. This was because the social democratic system argue that it is SOCIALLY DIVISIVE. The middle class are most likely to be accepted in grammar schools, were they get BETTER education than working class students. Students were also LABELLED based on the school they went to so w/c were usually labelled as failures- this lowered their self esteem. This shows that tripartie system is criticised for creating SOCIAL CLASS INEQUALITIES.
- The introduction to comprehensives has also brough about some social class inequaltities. Labelling was introduced were some students were labelled positively and 'brighter' than other students. This was usually the middle class, where they were placed in higher streams and sets. The working class were negatively labelled and so placed in lower streams where they underachieved. Social democrats argue that this is the tripartite system UNDER ONE ROOF- social inequalities still existed
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