Working Class Underachievement
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- Created by: timid_silence19
- Created on: 15-11-18 17:48
Poverty/ Material Factors - Smith & Noble
- Poor housing conditions can make studying at home difficult.
- Higher levels of sickness affect school attendance.
- Financially difficult for lower-paid paernts to support children in education after school leaving age, no matter how bright their prospects.
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Poverty/ Material Factors - Forsyth & Furlong
Material deprivation puts pressure on students to leave college, not attend it, or start apprentiships due to the cost.
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Poverty/ Material Factors - Evaluation
Previous governments introduced EMA, designed to tackle material deprivation to encourage students to stay at college.
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Poverty/ Material Factors - Usefulness
- This is useful as it can explain why working-class children have higher rates of absenses - due to sickness and poor housing conditions.
- Can also explain why working-class children might be unable to concentrate or be more distruptive in lessons as they are unlikely to have had breakfast.
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Parents Attitudes to Education - Douglas
- Middle-class parents visit the schools more frequently to discuss how their children are getting on. This interest grows as children reach more important stages of education.
- Are also more likely to encourage their children to stay at school beyond the minimum learning age.
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Parents Attitudes to Education - Evaluation
- Diane Reay argues that 53% of the poorest families wanted their children to go to university, which would suggest they are still ambitiouseven in a system that is unlikely to help them.
- Working-class parents are more likley to work longer hours, doing shift work and overtime. They are less likely than the middle-class to get paid for time off work.
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Parents Attitudes to Education - Usefulness
- Douglas considers the idea that parents can be a positive resource, who encourage their children to revise, complete essays, and attend.
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Parents Level of Education - Phillips & Palmer
- Argue middle-class parents are more 'child centred' because they have more social control and encourage their children to plan for the future.
- Saunders - The middle-class are more intelligent, work harder, and are more motivated.
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Parents Level of Education - Evaluation
- Keddie angrily rejects this view, working-class culture is just different, not inferior.
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Parents Level of Education - Usefulness
- This is useful because it can explain why working-class children can be more difficult to teach and are more distruptive.
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Catchment Area - Coltron
- Talked about the natural pull of your class. Families will self regulate so their children will attend working-class schools because its more comfortable.
- Similar to cultural comfort zones - Tony Sewell
- The highest performing comprehensives are more socially selective. They have 50% less children on free school meals than non exclusive schools (Sutton Trust).
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Catchment Area - Evaluation
- Some schools in very wealthy catchment areas actually prioritise children who came from poverised areas - but this is very rare.
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Catchment Area - Usefulness
- It is useful because it can explain why certain schools get incredibly good results. This may be because they are more selective about the students they take.
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Language Use - Bernstein
- Success at school depends very heavily on language. There is a relationship between language use and social class.
- Language used by the middle class has an elaborate code, while language used by the lower working-class has a restricted code.
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Language Use - Evaluation
- Bernsteins argument is not validated because he assumes that all middle class speak in elaborated codes which isn't the case.
- He fails to recognise the diversity of speach and provides little evidence to support his theory.
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Language Use - Usefulness
- He considers the idea that working-class children might not be able to communicate with teachers or understand the content in textbooks. Meaning they are unlikely to pass/ succeed.
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Cultural Differences - Bourdieu
- Symbolic violence - the knowledge, skills and experience of working-class culture is devalued.
- Cultural capital - Middle-class children do better in education because their attitudes, values and behaviour (their culture) is similar to that of the teachers.
- Habitus - Refers to the lifestyle, values and expectations that develop out of the experiences of a social group.
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Cultural Differences - Gerwitz
- Both cultural capital and economic capital can be an advantage for middle-class and disadvantage for working-class.
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Cultural Differences - Evaluation
- Lynch - Material deprivation is more important than cultural differences.
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Cultural Differences - Usefulness
- Can explain why working-class children may stop engaging with teachers because their culture keeps being devalued.
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Teachers Attitudes, Streaming & Labelling - Becker
- Studied 60 teachers from Chicago. The teachers had an ideal type about the type of student they would want to teach. This related to appropriate conduct, attitude, and appearances - most likely middle class kids. Interpreted working-class behaviour as lack of interest and motivation.
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Teachers Attitudes, Streaming & Labelling - Ball
- Schools still set and stream. Driven by middle-class parents to protect their children from weaker or disruptive children. Schools are eager to attract middle-class kids.
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Teachers Attitudes, Streaming & Labelling - Reay
- Views setting and streaming negatively. interviewed children as young as 10 and found they internalised what grade they were.
- This impacted on how they saw themselves.
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Teachers Attitudes, Streaming & Labelling - Evalua
- Blackman notes that black girls are often labelled very negatively by teachers and are located into lower sets. They work very hard to achieve in spite of the labels.
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Teachers Attitudes, Streaming & Labelling - Useful
- Can explain why working-class children disengage in education and stop engaging with teachers. They have been labelled negatively and internalised these ideas, which result in them them giving up all together.
- They highlight that kids in lower sets are restricted of higher grades.
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