Word Glossary
- Created by: TheRedHuntingHat
- Created on: 14-04-16 12:02
On Mexican Time
Fjidos: an area of communal land used for agriculture
Calles: streets
Chiles en nogada: a seasonal delicacy made with the colours of the Mexican flag
Campesinos: peasant farmers
Quechquemilt: clothing worn by some native cultures of Mexico
Comida corrida: a cheap dinner eaten at small restaurants
Huevos: spicy Mexican eggs
Bolsa: a bag
Grito de Dolores: 'Cry of the Dolores' the battle cry of the Mexican War of Independence
Pamplonada: the running of the bulls
Neurasthenic: a weakness of the literal nerves.
In An Antique Land
Mandara: a guest room.
Fustan: a heavy shapeless robe, traditionally worn by fellah women.
Fellah: a native peasant of labourer.
Mowazzaf: an educated and salaried man.
Fellaheen: plural of fellah.
Khiyar: cucumber.
Barmahat: the 7th month of the Egyptian calandar.
Berseem: clover.
Shiyu'eyya: communist, atheist or adulterer.
Jallabeyya: a traditional Sudanese and Egyptian garment native to the Nile Valley.
Extra Virgin
Orto: vegetable garden
Vasca: waterbutt
Tedeschi: Germans
Nipotes: grandchild
Campagna: countryside
Piante: plants
Compagnia: company
Torrente: stream
Bambine: children
Incompiuta: incomplete
A Dinner of Herbs
Ramazan: the Turkish translation of Ramadan
Bishmillah: In the name of Allah
Pekmez: a Turkish dish, mollases-like syrup made mainly with grapes.
Jarra: Turkish slang for a cigarette.
Cok guzel: very beautiful
Aman: for goodness' sake
Fez: a hat. Originally a symbol of Ottoman modernity but eventually represented the "Oriental" identity
Coming Home in Massachusetts
Backhoe: a mechanical excavator
Locust trees: a plant that grows carob beans, said to resemble locusts
Balkan Sobranie Mixture: an old type of smoking tobacco
Latakia leaf: a Syrian tobacco plant
Fjord horses: a small but strong horse from the Norwegian western mountains
Blue alfalfa: a small aphid found throughout the US
The Hamptons: a popular seaside resort, one of the historical summer colonies of the American Northeast.
Flat-bed trailer:a truck or trailer having an open body in the form of a platform without sides or stakes
Sunrise with Seamonsters
Faith Baldwin: an American romance author who's books were never of literary significance.
Baybah: a slang word for "baby"
Yeggs: "eggs" said in a Singaporean accent.
Expatriate: a person temporarily or permanently residing, as an immigrant in another country.
Ma-Ling: a popular Singeporean canned goods company.
Tamil: a Dravidan ethnic group.
Aloft in Paris
Nerf ball: a type of indoor basketball played with a small, rubber ball
Atelier: a studio or workshop
Rummy Five Hundred: a type of card game
Empanadas: a stuffed bread or pastry baked or fried originally from Spain and Portugal
Ephmeral: short lived and temporary
Chinese Life
Waigouren: foreigner
Xiajoie: the honorific for 'miss' but also a slang word for a prostitute
Falun Gong: a spiritual exercise and meditation regime banned by the Communist Chinese government
Yangguizi: foreign devil
Qipao: a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women
Ke'aide': adorable
Meifating: a beauty parlor where most prositutes in Fuling work
Qigong: an ancient Chinese healthcare system based on breathing and concentration
Guanxi: relationship
Gui'erzi: a Sichuanese curse meaning 'son of a turtle'
A Parrot in the Pepper Tree
In flagrante fregantis: being caught in the act
Fregando: washing up
Cocinado: cooking
Vega: a grassy plain or valley
Guardia Civil: the Spanish police force
Bantam: a proud and brightly coloured cockerel
Diga: speak
Mattock: a farming toop similar to a pickaxe
Corijo: a rural habitat
Navijon: a ten-inch knife
Pincito: tapas
Barefoot at Shanzu
Crypto termes: dry-wood termites
Eau-de-nil: a pale greenish colour
Terrazzo: a type of composite flooring
Kikapu: a basket
Bougainvillaea: thonry, ornamental vines that flower in the spring
Grandiloquent: pomous or extravangant language
Fornicatorium: a room used specifically for sex
Zenith: the peak of something's power or success
Matatus: minibuses
A House in the Casbah
Nasrani: christian foreigner
Wikalat al-amlak: estate agents
Souk: an Arab market place
Hashish: marijuana
Derb: dirt alley
Hashuma: shame
Capotes: condoms
Habibi: my love
Denizen: a nativer person or thing of a certain area
Ascetic: simple and moral
The Year Brunetto Il Piccolo Fell in Love
Caratteristico: characteristic
Cafone: a boor
Tabaccheria: tobacconist's
Belle di Notte: beauties of the night
Troppo semplice e ignorante: too simple and ignorant
Motorino: moped
Latte macchiato: milk with coffee
E bella, si: you're beautiful
Madre: mother
A House in Corfu
Papas: priest
Tou Theou: from God
Spanakopita: a greek pastry, spinich pie
Liapades: a medium sized village in North-west Corfu
Ya-ya: grandmother
Aeschylus: an ancient Greek tragedy writer
Xenoi: forgeiners
Cocoresti: a greek speciality made of stomach and sheep's offal. A little like haggis
Xoriatiki: Greek Village Salad
Koumbari: maid of honour or the best man
Calamaraki: a deep-fried or grilled meze (small dish)
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