Prime Minister Achievements
- Created by: leahjayne97
- Created on: 31-03-16 12:25
Winston Churchill 1951-1955
Roy Jenkins said that " by his re-election in 1951 he was gloriously unfit for office"
Did most of the work by his bedside
Forced to resign
Anthony Eden 1955-1957
Less than a year into his time in office his approval ratings went down from 70% to 40%
As prime minister he had little experience in domestic and economic affairs, he preferred economic affairs.
The Cold War was at its peak and he was preoccupied with maintaining Britain's power status.
Led Britain to miss out on crucial talks such as the Messina conference in 1955.
Humiliating defeat in suez(caused his downfall) which created an economic cirisis
US sanctions forced Eden to retreat
Lied to Parliament and civil servants to burn damaging evidence
He resigned in Janurary 1957 after showing that Britain was not as powerful as it had been
Thorpe "Suez was a truly tragic end to his premiership"
Harold Macmillan 1957-1963
He led the demoralised conservative party and a country in turmoil
Quickly restored the conservative party and confidence
Domestic policy
He was determined not to see mass unemployment of the 1930s
Champion of economic planning and modernisation
Living standards and prosperity increased
'Never had it so good"
Tory majority in 1959 election
International policy
Busy with the cold war=led country through the cuban missile crisis and was the first nuclear armed Prime minister.
Reorientated foreign policy
Close relationship with Eisenhower and Kennedy
Winds of change speech distanced the apratheid and sped up decolonialisation
Entry into the EEC blocked by De Gaulle in 1963
Heavily involed in negotiating the Nuclear test ban treaty 1963
Economic policy
Balance of payments crisis
Portrayed as out of touch
Night of the long knives sacked 6 key ministers
After series of scandals= John Profumo he resigned in October 1963
Alex Douglas-Home 1963-1964
1956=commonwealth secretary during Suez
Emerged as new leader when Macmillan resigned
Concentrated on winning the next election
Thorpe-"legacy of his government was the abolition of resale price
enabled the cut price stickers that are on goods
Reform- led by the president of the board of trade Edward Heath faced opposition within the party(held firm and the bill eventually passed.)
Took a tough stance on dealing with the TUs
JFK assassaination= relationships with US damaged after sale of Brit Layland buses to Cuba
Served as forign secretary to Edward Heath
Harold Wilson 1964-1970
Shadow chancellor 1955-1961
Shadow foreigh secretary 1961-1963
As Labour leaser won 4/5 general eletions
1964=majority of 4 1966=98 majority
Main plan was modernisation "aided by white heat of the technology"
Liberalised laws on censorship/divorce/abortion/homosexuality and abolished capital punishment
Crucial steps taken towards stopping discrimation of women and minorities
Foreign Policy
Less modernisation
Wanted to maintain Britain as a world power= keep commonwealth united and nurturing special relationship
Vietnam skillfully balanced modernist ambitions with UK-US interests despite repeated American requests Britain kept troops out whilst maintaining relations.
He had fundamentally reshape world role inherited the overstretched military and £400 million balance of payments defecit= caused successive sterling crises
Launched defence review and created department for economic affairs
sterling crisis continued wilson forced to devalue £67= 2 million later= government announced British withdrawal from the East of Suez
Despite intitial hesitation Wilson recognised value of membership into the EEC and applied in 1967 but it was rejected.
Believing his popularity increased called a general election was defeated by Heath
Kept as Labour leader
Edward Heath 1970-1974
Chief whip to Eden
Backed Macmillan to lead Britain into the EEC
Won 1970 election his only term= during time of strong industrial decline
He was elected on manifesto
Unemployment increased with strength of TUs forced to do the famous Uturn on government economic policy
It was from this TU's sensed they could seize initiative
Heath's attempts to weaken power failed=when demands where not met miners strike 1972/1974
1974 3 day week implemented ,limited power
worked to create lasting peace in Northern Ireland
Harold Wilson 1974-1976
Hung parliament fromed minority government called an election in October 1974 and won with a small majority of 3
1974-1976= concentrate heavily on domestic policy= social reforms on education/health/housing/gender equaity/price controls/pensions/child poverty/ provisions for the disabled
As result income tax on tom earners was 83%
tried to resolve troubles in Northern Ireland and failed
He limitd damage= denegotiaiton of EEC
James Callaghan 1976-1979
Grew up during the depression
Didnt go to university
As chanellor he oversaw devaluation of the £ in 1967
Home secretary saw an increase of scretarian violence in Northern Ireland worse under Edward Heath
When Macmillan resigned he won leadership in election and became PM he was popular across the party
Callaghan government lost majority of seats in Parliament on the first day in office
Forced to rely on the support of the liberals in 1977/1978 then SNP for the remainder
1976 police act formalised police complaint procedure
housing act 1977 responsibility of local councils to provide housing for the homeless
education act 1976 limited the number of independant and grant maintained schools in 1 area
1976 inflation was at 17%
1.5 million unemployed
controversial decision to ask IMF for emergency loan 1976 created tensions in the cabinet
His successful leadership during cabinet consideration eanred him praise
Despite success further attempts by government to reduce inflationthrough wage restrictions for public sector workers caused wave of strikes
1978/1979 winter of discontent
severly undermined by events vote of no confidence was called by Mp's in 1979 motion passed by 311/310
Margaret Thatcher 1979-1990
Won leadership from Ted Heath in 1975 which was a suprise to many
1979 won general election
First 2 years not easy as unemployment was very high but the economy did gradually improve
She brought more of her supporters into cabinet and added to her reputation by leading country to war against Argentina in Falklands
1983 won overwhelming majority helped by the divisions in opposition
Government followed radical programme= privatisation/deregualtion/reform of TU's/ tax cuts/ introduction of market mechanisms in health and education aim was to reduce the relaince on government and increase it for the self
Became a famous international figure=good relationship with reagan. Gained praise over the soviet leader
Europe= great difficulty during her time in officenlong serving Forighn secretary Howe resigned November 1990 over protest to her damaging attitude towards Europe
Resignation speech lead to her leaving number 10
Heseltine challeneged her for leadership failed to win but won 152 votes
Thatcher eventually persuaded not to go to a second ballet won by Major who was chancellor of exchequer
John Major 1990-1997
Did not attend university
87 entered the cabinet as chief executive to the treasury won admiration and respect
He could keep spending down was promoted to foreign secretary in 1989 and chancellor soon after
attempted to make peace in party and country in the wake of the decisive decade
took a leading role in gulf war survived IRA mortar attack on number 10 during a cabinet meeting
won the 1992 election= highest number of popular votes in history=smaller majority on 21
victory was on the back of reversing poll tax
5 months into parliament he was forced to abandon the ERM whihc was a big part in his economic policy
Intended to keep inflation down linking to exchange rates to Deutschmark
markets forced Uk out government spent £billions trying to duck market
fresh round conflict began over europe
secured numbr of opt outs from maastricht treaty regaurding social policy and membership of single currency= not change enough for some colleagues
continuous attacks from party on Europe
Number of press stories regarding infidelity and poor moral behaviour of the cabinet tory sleaze stuck and the party lost credibility
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