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- Created by: George Courtney
- Created on: 30-03-17 16:11
Vitamin A ~ Fat Soluble
- Healthy immune system.
- Produces 'visual purple', helping vision in dim light.
- Keeps mucous linings moist.
- For good heakth and development in children.
Food Source:
- Dairy Products
- Oily fish
- Red, yellow and green vegetables
- Fortified low fat spreads
- Can cause night blindness.
- Reduces the ability to fight infections.
- Limits growth in children.
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Vitamin D ~ Fat Soluble
- For formation of strong bones and teeth, especially during childhood and adolescence when it is important bones reach their 'peak bone mass'.
- Helps control the amount of calcium absorbed by food.
Food Source:
- Oily fish
- Eggs
- Fortified foods; breakfast cereals, margarine, suplements
- Prevents absorption of calcium leading to weak teeth and bones. Can lead to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
- Extreme cases can cause heart failure.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women, babies and children under 5 years, those over 65, people who keep their skin covered and dark skinned people are more likely at risk.
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Vitamin E ~ Fat Soluble
- Acts as an antioxidant which protects the body from disease.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Helps to maintain healthy skin and eyes.
Food Source:
- Plant oils
- Nuts, seeds, wheat
- Milk, egg yolk
- Polyunsaturated spreads
- Vitamin E deficiency is unlikely.
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Vitamin K ~ Fat Soluble
- For blood clotting, to help wounds heal.
- For good bone health.
Food Source:
- Cauliflower.
- Bacon, liver
- Cereals
- Green leafy vegetables
- Vitamin K deficiency is unlikely.
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Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) ~ Water Soluble
- Release energy from carbohydate foods.
- For a healthy nervous system.
- Helps growth in childhood.
Food Source:
- Red meat, liver
- Whole grain
- Seeds, nuts, beans
- Dairy products
- Yeast extract products
- Fresh and dried fruits
- In extreme cases a muscle wasting disease called beri beri can occur - most likely in developing countries where white rice is a staple food.
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Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) ~ Water Soluble
- Releases energy from food.
- Helps growth in childhood.
- Keeps the skin, eyes and nervous system healthy.
Food Source:
- Red meat
- Yeast extract products
- Dairy products
- Eggs
- Rice
- Fortified breakfast cereals
- Can cause swollen tongue, dry skin and sores around the corners of the mouth.
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Vitamin B3 (Niacin) ~ Water Soluble
- Releases energy from food.
- Keeps the skin and nervous system healthy.
- Helps to lower the levels of fat in the blood.
- The amino acid tryptophan can be converted to niacin in the body.
Food Source:
- Red meat, liver
- Yeast extract products
- Fortified breakfast cereals
- Seeds, nuts, beans
- In extreme cases a deficiency disease called pellagra can occur - most likely where maize is a staple food. Pellagra can cause diarrhoea, rough, scaly and sore skin, and memory loss.
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Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) ~ Water Soluble
- Releases energy from fat and carbohydrates.
Food Source:
- Beef, liver, kidney, chicken
- Whole grains
- Potatoes
- Yeast
- Eggs
- Broccoli
- Tomatoes
- Vitamin B5 deficiency is unlikely as it is in so many food sources.
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Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) ~ Water Soluble
- Various body functions, including nerve function and brain development.
- Helps the body use protein.
- For the formation of haemoglobin
Food Source:
- Red meat, liver, kidney
- Chicken, pork
- Eggs
- Soya beans
- Whole grain cereal
- Yeast extract products
- Unusual, but can lead to anaemia, headaches and general weakness.
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Vitamin B7 (Biotin) ~ Water Soluble
- For the metabolism of fat.
- Production of energy, protein metabolism, strengthining hair and nails.
Food Source:
- Kidney, liver
- Dried fruit
- Fish
- Peanuts
- Milk
- Soya beans
- Avocado
- If large quantities of raw egg are eaten, the avidin in the raw egg white combines with biotin, making it unavailable to the body.
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Vitamin B9 (Folate) ~ Water Soluble
- To release energy from food, especially protein.
- Works with Vitamin B12 to form healthy red blood cells.
- Helps to reduce the formation of spina bifida in unborn babies.
Food Source:
- Green, leafy vegetables
- Liver
- Potatoes
- Beans, seeds, nuts
- Oranges, berry fruits
- A type of anaemia called megaloblastic anaemia which is the enlarging of red blood cells.
- Can cause spina bifida in unborn babies. Women advised to take folate supplements.
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Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) ~ Water Soluble
- Making red blood cells and keeping the nervous system healthy.
- Releasing energy from food.
- Processig folic acid.
Food Source:
- Liver, meat
- Fish
- Milk, cheese, egg
- Fortified breakfast cereal.
- A type of aneamia called pernicious anaemia.
- Causes fatigue and depression. Long term deficiency can cause damage to the brain.
- Vegans have to supplement their diet with fortified foods.
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Vitamin C ~ Water Soluble
- Helps the body to absorb iron from foods.
- Needed for the formation of collagen, the substance that holds the body together.
- Helps to resist infection.
- Helps wounds to heal.
Food Source:
- Fruits (especially citrus fruits)
- Dark green vegetables
- Potatoes
- Extreme deficiency can cause scurvy which is very rare nowadays. Symptoms include bleeding gums, wounds not healing and general tiredness.
- Iron deficiency anaemia as iron needs Vitamin C for the efficient absorption of iron.
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Calcium ~ Mineral
- To form, strengthen and maintain bones and teeth.
- For blood clotting.
- To keep nerves and muscles working properly.
- To ghelp with normal growth in children.
Food Source:
- Dairy Products
- Green, leafy vegetables
- Whole grain cereals
- Can casue rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
- Usually occurs when deficiency of vitamin D, so not enough calcium absorbed.
- Osteoperosis - causes reduction in bone density and strength making them brittle.
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Iron ~ Mineral
- Helps to make haemoglobin in the red blood cells which carries oxygen to cells.
Food Sorces:
- Haem Iron - red meat, offal (liver,kidney, heart)
- Non-Haem Iron - whole grain cereals, green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, dried fruit, fortified breakfast cereals, cocoa, all wheat flour is fortified with iron by law
- Iron deficiency anaemia - syptoms include tiredness, lethargic and pale complexion.
- Teenage girls often need additional iron to compensate for iron depletion due to menstruation.
- Pregnant women nedd additional iron to provide sufficient iron for the baby.
- Iron must be combined with Vitamin C in order to be absorbed efficiently by the body.
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