Virgil-The shield of Aeneas-translation
- Created by: Isabella
- Created on: 16-04-13 19:57
Virgil-The shield of Aeneas-translation
Lines 1-22: giving of the armour and shield:
But Venus, bright Goddess among the heavenly clouds, was present, carrying gifts; and when she saw her son in the distance in a remote valley cut off by a cold river she appeared suddenly of her own accord and addressed him with these words:
"Look at these gifts, finished by the promised skill of my husband. Don't hesitate, son, to/call up soon either the proud Laurentines or violent Turnum to battle."
Venus spoke and sought the embrace of her son, she placed the shining armour under an oak tree facing (him.)
He, delighted by the gifts of the Goddess and by so great an honour, cannot look enough and casts his eyes over every single object, and admires and turns over in his hands and arms the helmet frightening with its crests and pouring out flames and the deadly sword and the stiff brestplate of bronze, blood red and huge as when a dark blue cloud glows in the rays of the sun and reflects in the distance; then the smooth leg armour made of reforged amber and gold and the spear and the fabric of the shield that cannot be described.
Virgil translation cont.
On it, the master of fire (Vulcan), not unacquainted with prophecy and not unknowing of the age to come had fashioned (made) the events in Italy and the triumphs of the Romans on it (there was), every race of the future generation from Ascanius and wars in the order they had been fought.
The early history of Rome-Augustus and battles on shield, lines 23-36
Among these (previous historic images described) the image of the swelling sea flowed widely in gold, but the surface of the sea was foaming in a white wave and dolphins, picked out (bright) in silver, were sweeping the surface of the sea around in a circle and cutting through the surge with their tails.
In the middle (of the shield), it was possible to see the bronze fleets, the Battle of Actium, and you could see Leucate seething, in full battle order, and the waves blazing out in gold.
On this side (of the sheild is) Augustus Caesar standing high on the stern, leading the Italians into battle with the Senate, the people, the household Gods and the great gods (behind him) whose happy temples pour out twin flames and the star of his father (JC) appears on his head.
Shield-Antony and Cleopatra
Lines 37-51
On the other side (of the shield) is Antony, with barbaric spleandour and assorted weapons, victor from the people of the East and the red shore, (the shore of the Indian ocean) bringing Egypt and the strength of the East (with him) and most remote Bactra and his Egyptian wife follows (him). What a crime!
They all began to rush together and the whole sea began to foam, churned up by oars drawn back and three pronged beaks. They seek deep water; you would believe that the Cyclades were torn out and floated on the sea or high mountains collided with mountains, so great is the mass in which the man stand on the towered poops.
Weapons of blazing tow are showered from their hands and winged iron from their missiles, Neptune's water grows red with a fresh slaughter.
The queen, in the middle, calls the battle columns with the sistrum (worship rattle) of her native land, and does not yet look back at the twin snakes behind. Monstrous Gods of all kinds and Anubis, the barker, hold weapons against Neptune, Venus, and, Minerva.
Virgil shield-Antony and Cleo cont
Lines 52-65
Mars rages in the midst of the conflict, engraved in iron, and the harsh Furies (dread goddesses) rage from the upper air and Discord (goddess who causes civil war), rejoicing, rushes in, in a torn robe. Bellona (goddess of war) follows her with a bloody whip.
Apollo of Actium (god of archery who protected the Trojans), seeing these things from above was bending a bow; all of Egypt and India, all the Arabs and Sabaens were turning their backs in flight at that terror.
The queen, herself, after summoning the winds, could be seen to set sail and let the ropes go slack at that very moment.
The master of fire had made her pale with impending death amidst the slaughter, being carried by the waves and the North West wind, however, facing (her) is the Nile,
grieving in his mighty streams and opening his bays and with his whole robe, calling the vanquished into his sea green bosom and hidden currents.
Virgil-shield-Caesar celebrates triumphs
Lines 66-80
But (Augustus) Caesar, riding in through the Roman walls in a triple triumph (Illyricum, Actium and Egypt) was making his immortal vow to the Italian Gods, Three hundred huge shrines throughout the whole city.
The streets were roaring with joy, games and applause; in all the temples there was a chorus of matrons, altars in all. In front of the altars slaughtered bullocks covered the ground.
He, himself, (Caesar), sitting at the white threshold of shining Apollo (Phoebus), inspects the gifts of the people and fastens them to the proud doorposts; conquered nations approach in a long line, just as varied in the appearance of their dress and weapons as in their language.
Here, Vulcan had fashioned the Numidian tribes and the Africans in loose clothes, here (he had fashioned) the Leleges and the Carians and the Gelonians, carrying arrows; Euphrates (river) was running now with calmer waves, and the Morini, the most remote of men, and the double mouthed Rhine, and the unconquered Dahae and Araxes, resenting the bridge.
Virgil-shield-Aeneas takes up the shield
Lines 81-83
He (Aeneas) marvels at such scenes as these all over Vulcan's shield, gifts of his mother, and takes pleasure in the picture of them, unaware of the events lifting on his shoulders the fame and fortunes of his descendants.