Genrally, the aim of research is to test a hypothesis about the relationship between 2+ variables. In correlations, we hope to test the relationship between two co-variables. In other research methods we hope to test a causal relationship between the IV & the DV. The validity of research can sometimes be reduced by confounding variables.
Independent Variable: The aspect of a study changed or controlled by the experimenter. Each different condition in a piece of research is referred to as a ‘level’ of the IV.
Dependent Variable: Something the researchers hope to measure precisely, to find out if it has changed under different levels of the IV.
Co-variable: Those characteristics which will be measured in a correlation.
Confounding Variable: Anything other than the IV which may have had an impact on the DV. This could be every day problems such as noise, temperature etc, but can also include anything which reduces internal validity such as experimenter bias etc.
Extraneous Variable: Factors which we recognise as potential confounding variables. Efforts should be taken to control all confounding variables.
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