The Affluent Society.
Growth of Suburbia - William Levitt was behind the creation of Levittowns.
Consumerism increased, people tried to "keep up with the Joneses"
Similarities and Difference between the 20s and 50s booms:
similarities; both started by wars, consumer goods bought in record numbers, car industry was at the center of the prosperity, rise in prosperity, black people did not always benefit from the wealth.
Differences: Laissez-faire in 20s, "Big-gov" in 50s, High taxes in the 1950s to help "big gov" spending, new technology, farmers new immigrants also benefited, middle classes moved to suburbia.
However 22% of Americans lived in poverty, mainly old black and southern people.
The government encouraged religion as it was a good way to stop communism. People who lived in Suburbia went to church for social reasons.