In the end, the election was never held. Ho Chi Minh would've won - he was a popular leader.
The US believed in Domino theory,which meant that they would need to prevent Vietnam from becoming communsit otherwise other surrounding contries might fall to communism.
- 1961 - NLF formed with support from Viet Minh; task of reunifying the country
- Demanded the removal of Ngo Dinh Diem and began guerilla warfare campaign. By 1961 there were 20,000 Viet Cong guerillas in south.
- The NLF trained in conducting ambushes - had support from the North and much of the South.
- The Ho Chi Minh trail was created in 1959. Supplies were carried from North Vietnam to South Vietnam via Laos and Cambodia to avoid US air strikes.
- The NLF gained support in the South by treating local populations well, winning their respect
- In the 1960s, woth over 100,000 troops, the NLF controlled substantial parts of the South
- 1963 - Diem overthrown and killed by own troops. The country will have 10 different governments over the next few years.
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