Unit 7, GCSE PE!

  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 26-10-12 23:49

National Curricular requirements.

P.E in School

Why is P.E offered in schools?

  • Provide balance within the subjects taught
  • Improve basic health and general fitness
  • Prepare children for physical activity when they leave school
  • Reflect the importance and value of PE in society.

Different ways in which PE is made available?

  • timetabled PE lessons
  • extra-curricular provision
  • clubs and team practice sessions
  • sports performance awards
  • links with local clubs and outside visits or visitors/
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Nation Curriculum Groups

Group 1 --> outwitting opponents, as in game activities.

Group 2 --> accurate replication of actions,phrases and sequences, as in gymnastic activities.

Group 3 --> exploring and communicating ideas , as in dance activities.

Group 4 --> performing at maximum levels, as in athletic activities.

Group 5 --> identifying and solving problems to overcome challenges of an adventurous nature, as in adventurous activities.

Group 6 --> exercising safely and effectively to improve health and wellbeing, as in fitness and health services.

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PESSCL strategy

Physical Education School Sport and Club Links 

Increase the % of children who spend the minimum of two hours a week on high-quality PE and school sport within and beyond the curricular.
Aimed at 5 to 16 year olds.

8 'strands':

  • Specialist Sports Colleges
  • School Sport Partnerships
  • Professional development
  • Step into Sport
  • School/club links
  • Gifted and talented
  • Swimming
  • PE and Sport investigation
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PESSYP strategy

Physical Education and Sport Strategies for Young People

"5 hour offer" 2hours of P.E and 3 Hours Extra Curricular

Aimed at 5 to 19 year olds.

9 'strands':

  • Club links
  • Coaching
  • Competitions
  • Disability
  • Extended activities
  • Gifted and talented
  • Infrastructure
  • Leadership and voluteering
  • Swimming
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National Healthy Schools Programme

National Healthy Schools Programme
Young people will be able to make informed health and life choices in order to reach their full potential and through this create healthier, happier children

4 main aims:

  • PSHEIncorporates sex, relationships and drugs and teaches young people of being healthy, staying safe and making a positive contribution and economic wellbeing.
  • Healthy eating - Gives young people the confidence and skills to make healthy and nutritiousfood choices and drink avaliable throughout the day
  • Physical activity - Young people are provided with range of opportunities to be active, can understand how physical activity can help them be more healthy
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Supports vulnerable individuals/groups, establishes clear bullying policies
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Extra-curricular provisions

Extra-curricular activities can be offered by PE departments and made available in the following ways:

  • Activity Range --> a larger range of activities will increase participation in extra-curricular because there are more options available.
  • Attitudes of Staff --> if the staff are positive and enthusiastic about the sport, it will motivate the pupils and more people would participate.
  • Facilities --> with specific facilities they can offer different activities, without the facilities they would be restricted with certain activities.
  • Outside visits --> visit local facilities to offer more/ different activities.
  • Club links --> encourage pupils to join clubs if the outside visitor is nice and enthusiastic. 
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