Unit 2 the Constitution
Parlieamtry sovereignty- a principle, fundemental to the British political system, that legal sovereignty lies with Parliament is the ultiimate source of all political power
Where does sovereginty lie in the British system?
- Parliament is legally sovereign.
- Uk gov shares this sovereignty to some extent because it has the people's mandate to implement its political programme. THis means Parliament should not normally defy the will of the government when it is acting within the people's mandate
The people are sovereign at elections
Referendums do not grant sovereignty to the people because they are not binding on parliament
-EU has legal sovereignty in those areas where it has jurisdiction. Howver, the UK has not given up sovereignty finally to the EY because it can leave and regain all its sovereignty
- The devoled administrations do not have legal sovereignty, but they have quasi sovereignty. This means that the power granted to them is unlikely ever to return to Westminster
Exam tip
Students of politics confuse sovereignty and power, Sovereignty ultimate political power which cannot be overruled/ Power is a weaker expression
- Created by: Ferat Arikan
- Created on: 26-04-13 12:58
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