- A developing country
- Low greenhouse gas emissions - 2.6 tonnes per person per year (world average)
- Produce less than 1% all green house gases
- 99% of Egypts people live in 5% land area as so much is desert
- Average rainfall = less than 10mm.yr
- The River Nile is an important water supply
With global warming...
- If sea levels ise 50cm, 1/3 of teh city of Alexandria would be under water
- 10% Nile Delta would flood -> 7 million people would have to leave their homes -> farming would be hit -> there would be less food -> famine
- Less and more unreliable rainfall -> water shortages
- Desertification
- Heatwaves -> illness and death
- Malaria incrase
Water wars = 86% of the Niles water starts it's journey in Etheopia. Uganda, Sudan, and Etheopia are all building huge dams for Hydro Electric Power (HEP) This could have a serious impact on the amount of water reaching Egypt. This could lead to conflict and war
They have a debt of 30 million. May not be able to cope with the impacts of global warming!
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