Unit 2 Settlements
- Created by: Clayn001
- Created on: 19-05-16 17:41
Inaccessible Remote Settlements
Rural Push Factors
- Jobs losses in Agriculture
- Varied employment opportunites
- Lack of Services
- Limited Marriage Opportunities
- Low Average Income
- Social Isolation
Inaccessible Remote Settlements
Urban Pull factors
- More Jobs
- Varied employment opportunites
- Potential higher wages
- More social opportunites
- The prospect of training and Higher Education
- Varied Leisure activities
Inaccessible Remote Settlements
Remote rural areas are experiencing outward migration of younger people to urban areas leading to an ageing rural population
Case Study: St John's Chapel
Only 4% are 16-24 in the vaillage compared to nationally 12%.
36% are 60+ compared to nationally 12%
Evidence of St John's Chapel Decline
1980 - 160 children in village
2004 - 38 children in village
Male unemployment is 17% and 21% of households do not own a car.
Nearest Secondary school is 14 miles away.
Nearest Library is 22 miles away
Local school and bus service has disaapeared.
Remote Rural Settlement with High Second Home Owne
Case Study: Helford, Cornwall
Attract new people to them such as people who have retired or have brought a second home for the weekends.
Factors which led to Helford:
- Beautiful location
- Nice warm weather in the Summer
- Near the Coast
- Quiet and Peacful area
Impacts of Second Home Ownership
Households in Helford:
25% Second homes, only 3% nationally
Impacts House Prices:
Average UK 3 Bedroom detached house price - 329,000 pounds
In Helford - 650,000 pounds
Nearly Double Uk average Price
This is due do to demand in area. Meaning Locals now can't afford to live there.
Local Conflicts - Fishing Industry vs Second home Owners
Devolpment of new road for fish industry. Second Home Owners don't want an eye sore in the landscape of a major road.
Few customers for local services due to many being second home owners meaning decline in services.
Accessible rural Settlements
Counter Urbanisation -
The movement of people and economic activity from urban areas to rural settlements.
Reasons for Counter Urbanisation -
Push from the Urban area -
Economic - De-industrialisation in urban areas, less jobs
Houses and Land more expenisve
Environmental - Lack of green open space
Noise, Congestion and Pollution
Social - Stressful 'rat race' mentality
Reasons for Counter Urbanisation
Pull to the Rural Area -
Economic - Jobs increasingly availiable
Retailling moving out of town
Lands and houses cheaper
Services Increasingly avaliable
Environmental - Fresh air, Peace and quiet
Less congested environment
Social - Better quality of life for children
Opportunities for Outdoor
Better schools
Benefits of Counter Urbanisation
Land Owners sell for high prices
Increased demand for services
Better living conditions than urban
More employment in rural areas
Newcomers maintain environment
Problems of Counter Urbanisation
- Loss of areas for recreation
- Traffic increase
- Social tensions between new and old
- Increase in house prices
- Loss of services as dormitory settlements develop
- Loss of tradditional rural character
Effects of Counter Urbanisation
Case Study: Framlingham, Suffolk
Within commuting distance of London
Population Change
104% increase from 1981 (2190) to 2011 (4774)
Double the amount of 0-4 year olds
Larger Elderly Population
Changes in Framlingham
Housing -
New housing built on both Greenfield and Brownfield sites
Infill and converted barns aswell - 646 new homes
Raising house prices meaning many local residents can't afford to buy a home no longer.
New Services -
Doctors Surgery
Improved Bus Service
Icreased size in primary and secondary school
New activities for teens and kids (football club)
Changes in Framlingham
Retail -
Increase in total number of shops
Growth in Market Stalls
Change in the type of shops - more higher order
More restaurants, hairdressers and estate Agents
Industry -
A modren industrial estate (Ore Trading) with 11 light factories
Growing number of teleworkers
Changes in Framingham
Environment -
- 65 homes built on derelict factory site
- But 35 hectares of farmland gone
- Higher traffic flows due to 'school run' and commuting
- Increased flooding of the River Ore
The Rural Urban Fringe
A rural and recreational zone adjacent to the urban area where there is an expansion and growth of housing, road building, retail parks and industrial estates.
Demand on the area - Growth of Population means more housing - Government target is 240,000 new houses per year
Also increasing demand for leisure facilites e.g. golf, sports stadia.
Demand for Retailing and Ring road development are also reasons why its changing
The impacts of changes in the rural-urban fringe
Economic -
May create jobs e.g. Retail Parks (Trentham Aldi)
Cheaper Land
Money for property developers and Land owners
Social -
Better Housing
Cycle ways
Environmental -
Nature reserves set up
Country parks lead to conservation
Park and ride scheme - reduce congestion and pollution
The impacts of changes in the rural-urban fringe
Economic -
Fuel costs for commuting
Social -
Trespassing on farms
Can cause lots of traffic e.g. Shopping centres
More commuting time
Conflict over potential developers (Trentham)
Enivironmental -
Fly tipping
Unattractive sites
Motorways destroy countryside
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