Travel Anthology Texts
AS Notes On the Tavel Anthology
- Created by: Lynzie
- Created on: 10-01-10 19:51
Text 1, Passport.
Mode - Written to identify, To be read silently, Rules
Genre Historical
Style Informative, Instruction, Commands
Subject - Document to allow travel and identification
Attitude - No longer taken seriously
Audience - Border Control, Traveller
Purpose - Let's people pass freely between countries/places
Significant language - Repition to enforce the power of the queen & the text, Imperative, Arcaic
Text 1, Passport.
- Values the monarch and the power of the queen, justification
- Reflects imperial position once held
- Majesty is repeated to enforce power
- Alliteration, 'Requests' and 'Requires' - polite, well-mannered
- Formal
- 'Requests' and 'Requires' is a dichotomy
- Third person narrative
- Dated Vocab, 'Majestys... hinderance'
- Arcaic, Authoritive, suggests violent times 'assistance and protection'
- Graphology is complex which suggests it is not to be read by children therefore requires responsibility
- Enforces poer of 'Her Britannic Magestys' in the beggining before making the 'Requests' so that the reader is unlikely to disobey.
Text 2, Postcard 1
Purpose - to update the audience of the writers experiances, inform using informal
Mode - to be read silently or spoken
Medium - postcard
Audience - friends, family of the sender
Syntax - sentences are short andstraight to the point.
Graphology and Orthography - Handwritten, Personal and Abreviations 'C.U' 'RB'
Register - Informal Register, Shared information
Time Class - Present, Modern English,
F/NF - Non- Fiction/ opinion
Text 3, Postcard 2
Purpose - to inform the reader of the senders experiences, inform informally
Mode - to be read silently or aloud
Medium - postcard
F/NF - non-fiction
Audience - friends and family of the sender
Genre - informative note
Register - sharing information informally
Time Class - modern english, less slang implies older sender
Text 3, Postcard 2
Graphology- handwritten, makes it personal
Syntax- long descriptive sentences
Orthography- underline emphasises the word 'before & after' emphasises the length of time they may have sat there, informal joke
Lexis - use of 'INGLATERRA' reinforces their in another country
Text 4, Italy, the lonely planet series
Purpose to inform and persuade people to visit places
Mode - to be read silently
Medium book, guide
F/NF - non-fiction, factual
Audience - travellers and tourists
Genre - informative, travel guide
Register - formal, conversational style
Time Class - modern english, lack of arcaic language
Text 4, Italy, the lonely planet series
Lexis- very descriptive words, chosen to show otranto in a positive light
Grammar - long informative descriptive sentences
Discourse - it is a guide that informs and describes
Graphology - sections, looks well organised, implies your holiday will be too. Subheadings make it easier to find what you want, also categorized so that the text is easy to navigate
Modality is enthusiastic
'ancient' imples age and therefore alot of history.
Text 6, Always our likely finale
Subject - a persons journey described in an observational poem
Purpose - to inform, descrivbe and explain
Mode - written
Medium - poem
F/NF - fiction
Genre and style - poem, travel poetry
Register - informal, poetic, conversational style
Time Class - dated
Text 6, Always our likely finale
Pragmatics and Semantics seeking escapism shown through use of language. ideas of chlostrophobia as everything is touched by man
Discourse and Grammar free-verse, non-traditional chronical, stanzas vary like the journey. title is ironic
Lexis- figurative language, with pejorative and positive connotations
- 'slash of silver winked' personification,
- first stanza - poetic with imagery
- 'voyage' type of journey on water, arcaic, suggests long journey
- 'a halt' arcaic, 'landmark' contrasts surburban
- 'forced' the mood changes
- 'id worked out our likely finale before it came' pejoritive, boring, already know end
- pejorative lang, belittling, prosaic lang - dull boring
- prosaic lexis reflects the writers disappointmant, absence of poetry could reflect the absence of countryside and nature
- speaker has been on a quest to explore a canal but soon finds the experience disappointing as in the modern world there is no longer a place that hasnt been touched or charted by man.
Text 8, Lancashire
Subject an leaflet informing possible tourists of lancashire
Audience - those who like walking and particularly those who would like to walk in Lancashire
Purpose - to inform, describe and explain
Mode - written
Medium - leaflet
F/NF - nonfiction
Text 8, Lancashire
- although mainly to inform, this text shows some persuasive devices particularly in the use of positive pre-modification (mostly adjectives e.g. 'most attractive countryside' 'tree-fringed shores' Discourse structure (form)
- a positive description of the place on the left and below advice and routes to take when walking, this part seems totally informative giving place names and imperatives 'Turn right, back to the Market Place...'
- portrays lancashire in a positive light 'lush valleys... flourishing'
- clear structure, paragraphed to show what there is to do, makes the text easy and enjoyable to read.
- persuasive andf informative, facts, history, accomadation info, and useful numbers
- images highlight idealic landscape
- text creates the idea of a perfect place, no polllution and eutopia eg lighting of pictures
- emboldened words strengthen remembering
- text only shows the best parts of lancashire
- images are deceiving as images show quiet country whereas the text implies its busy.
Text 11, Booking conditions
Subject responsibilities of the company and the legal rights of the customer
Purpose - to inform, describe and explain
Mode - the text is to be read silently or aloud in a conversation. written
Medium - brochure
F/NF - non-fiction
Genre and style - legal booking document
Register - formal with a polite tone
Time Class - Modern
Audience customers booking with the company
Text 11, Booking conditions
Modal Verbs- 'will'
Pragmatics and Semantics- there is no implied meanings as it is simply stating the rights of the company and the customer.
Discourse and Grammar- the structure is paragraphs about each condition. numbered to allow easy navigation. references to toher conditions
Lexis and Orthography- specific lexis, legal vocabulary. Correct grammar and punctuality as it is a formal document
The main ideas of the text includes what they are and are not responsible for and what they cover is something happens, telling thier legal rights
The text is a list of conditions customers must adhere to if they book the holiday
Attitude of the text is fair and biased, the style is a contract, modern.
Text 17, Transcript
- Spoken language is natural, spontaneous, recorded and subsequently written.
- Prosaic features, the vocal aspects of speech (volume, stress, intoration - contributes to meaning)
- Transcript is of a conversation between three members of a family as they plan thier holiday
- usual in transcripts for the speakers to remain unknown
- features non-verbal communication such as pausing, which work along side language to help speakers convey meaning
- <S 03> has little input, short sentences, could be younger (child)
- <S 02> least input, always seems to agree, little opinion, showing he/she doesnt care or doesnt know
- <S 01> has most input, seems to be leading/directing the conversation, is quite direct and interupts occasionaly
Text 23, Zaire
Subject desription of working fishing boats and the views of one fisherman
Purpose - to inform, describe and explain
Mode - written
Medium - magazine
F/NF - non-fiction, factual with opinion
Genre and style - article and interview, informal/ descriptive
Register - informal with conversational style, personal/factual
Time Class - modern
Audience travellers, readers of national geographic
Text 23, Zaire
Pragmatics and Semantics expresses necessity of travel for work, observing cultural differences, subjective/factual
Discourse and Grammar interview style in some parts, structured as article, complex declaritive sentences
Lexis and Orthography- noun phrases, pre-modifiying adjectives, chaotic lists to show busy and chaos, oxymorons
Graphology and Phonology- clumns typical to articles, maps, images/photo's
Imagery - chaotic lists of sounds create auditory imagery, also alfactory imagery 'chared flesh' and visual imagery through syndatic lists ' soap, salt, sugar...' also 'salted and smoked' creates gustatory imagery.
- though particular language such as 'cuts an enormous arc' 'terrified screams' 'charred flesh' etc lends a slightly more subjective feel to the piece stopping it from being entirely objective. Dialogue in this extract, is showing an interview with natives which allows the readers to have a momentary image of the things that make up the daily life for those travelling on the river.
Text 24, Heart of Darkness
Subject is a journey down a river
Purpose - to inform, explain and describe
Mode - written
Medium - book
F/NF - fiction
Genre and style - 19th century prose
Register - informal and personal
Time Class - old english
Audience travellers
Text 24, Heart of Darkness
Pragmatics and Semantics- fear, stillness, subjective, mentions its dark which links to savageness, skin colour, natives and area
Discourse and Grammar- short sentences build tension, pauses, one way conversation, chlostrophobia, small facts
Lexis and Orthography- pastoral imagery, bewitched and cut off, prehistoric feel and emotion.
function to entertain as it is taken from a fictional story. Some facts can be seen but the reader does not have complete faith in the 'facts' presented.
Dialogue here is used to show the characters speaking, mainly monologue by the main character, Marlow, with another character speaking towards the end of the extract.
Text 25, Young persons railcard
Subject To inform young people of savings with the young persons railcard
Purpose - to inform and advertise
Mode - to be read
Medium - leaflet
F/NF - non-fiction
Time Class - modern english
Audience 16-25 year olds/ Students, repitition it clear.
Text 25, Young persons railcard
- Traditional age certificate, connotations of movie poster, cover is reflective of movie poster
- green background looks futuristic, background is blurred implies speed, realistic us of movement
- futuristic font
- image is resemblant of 'The Matrix'
- strong male image suggests that if you buy the railcard you too could be like the image
- character is idealised, strength, power and speed
- graphology resembles film poster
- chronological order
- persuasive, targets audience well
- 'epic' exaggerates the amount of savings, coloquel
- subheadings allow easy navigation of text
- 'do you qualify' declaritive and interragative
- use of website converges media platforms
- emboldened contact information emphasises
- structured so that benefits are read before the cons, builds the readers hopes then tells them what they cant have
- negatives outweigh positives, this is diguised and misleading
- the front cover is misleading as it appears to be a film poster when in fact it is a leaflet
Text 26, Airmiles
- advert disguised as a letter, gives the feeling of reward
- 'unbeatable' implies you wont find better
- 'Dear Mr Smith' it is personalised but is not a personal letter, makes the reader feel important
- 'We'd like' makes the letter personal
- 'exclusive' emotive, personal, just for the customer
- 'exceptional' pre modifyer emphasises the savings
- '55%' use of statistics, more factual and gives perspective that you could get prices halved
- 'almost-too-good-to-be-true' image of pleasure
- 'we'll give you one mile for every pound you spend' as well as getting savings youll recieve miles as a reward also
- 'one mile for every two pounds spent' what you get if you dont take the offer, you will loose out
- 'best cruise brands' emotive, only the best
- 'for a taste' appeals to senses
- 'specialists' experts, implies trustworthy and know what they are talking about.
- 'sincerly' personal
- 'Andrew Swaffield... Managing Director' authoritive figure, therefore more likely to accept the offers being made
- the small print reinforces adverts
Text 31, dombey and son
Subject describing a train journey and his feelings of travel, speed and destruction of the speed train
Purpose - to inform, explain and describe
Mode - written
Medium - book
F/NF - fiction
Genre and style - adult fiction
Register - informal and descriptive
Time Class - older, arcaic
Audience adults and children
Text 31, Dombey and Son
Pragmatics and Semantics- it expresses the power and destruction of a steam train, use of extended metaphor to express his own feelings, compares the train to a monster
Discourse and Grammar paragraphs show each section of journey, short phrases show speed of train, repition of death shows negativity towards travel, landscape is described and verbs describe the motion of the train
Lexis and Orthography Omnisient narrator (all knowing), 3rd person narrative, metaphor, imagery shows passenger feelings, the train journey represents passengers heart beat
Text 32, Adlestrop
- 'YES' opens with an affirmative statement as if an answer to a question, 'YES. i remember Adlestrop-'
- 'Unwontedly' formal and old fashioned. shows the train usually avoids the platform this contrasts the dominant prosaic style of the first stanza
- 'The steam hissed' personification and onomatopeioa.
- short sentences
- 'Was adlestrop - only the name ' lack of full stop allows the poet to connect the platform with the nature around it in the 3rd stanza
- 'E' sounds add to longing and nostalgia
- Alliteration, repitition of constanont sounds at the beginning of nearby words, 'willows, willow-herb' 'W' sound creates music and emphasises the unity of nature
- Sibilence, repeating of 'S' sound creates soft atmosphere 'grass, And meadowsweet, and haycocks'
- Assonance, similar vowel sounds. the four 'O' like sounds create a mood of longing and sad mystery ' Of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.;
- Contrast, Thomas contrasts the sweet mood of the blackbird with his own lonlier mood