- Created by: neolacartledge
- Created on: 20-09-16 20:46
Economic importance of tourism
- Tourism creates jobs for people in the local area (in hotels and restaurants) which helps the econcomy grow as it provides direct jobs, increases the income of other businesses that supply the tourist industry.
- Multiplier effect, tourism important to both rich and poor parts of the world.
- In 2006 tourism in France generated 35 billion euros and 2 million jobs
- Poorer countres are more reliant on tourism for example tourism in the UK generated 3% of their GNP but in Kenya is generated 15%.
Reasons for global increase in tourism
People are going on holiday more because:
- They have more disposabal income (they can afford it)
- Package holidays
- Holidays are promoted and sold on the internet therefore faster and cheaper.
Areas are becoming popular because:
- Transports been improved so it's fatser to get there.
- Countries in more unusual places are promoting themselves more.
- More infrastructures been built to supply for tourists.
External factors impacting tourism
- Weather, bad weather can discourage people visiting the UK
- World econcomy, in times of recession people cut back on luxuries
- Exchnage rate, if it's cheaper more people want to come and can afford it.
- Terrorism and conflict
- Major events can attract people e.g. the 2012 Olympics in London
Butler Model
- Exploration - Small numbers of visitors are attracted to the area, scenery or culture for example.
- Involvment - Local people start to provide tourist facilities.
- Development - More and more people come as more facilities are built.
- Consolidation - Tourism is still a big part of the economy but the numbers are beginning to level off.
- Srtagnation - Visitor numbers have peaked, facilities are becoming run down, and the area is overall becoming less attractrive.
- Rejuvination - New facilities are built attracting people to the area again
- Decline - Fewer visitors come because the area is less attractive.
Mass tourism
Mass tourism - Organised tourism for a large number of people.
- Money into local economy
- Jobs fort local poeple and industry
- A lot of money kept by big travel companies rather than locals
- Jobs mean young people stay in the area
- Improved infrastructure for locals
- Income can be invested in the community
- Bad pay and seasonal
- Traffic
- Antisocial behaviour from tourists
- Money put into national parks
- Transport releases greenhouses gases
- Litter increases pollution
Ways to maintain mass tourism
Negative impacts reduced by:
- Improving transport to reduce congestion + pollution
- Limiting the number of poeple visisiting sensitive environments
- Providing lots of bins reducing litter.
Maintaining the importance for locals by:
- Building new facilities
- Reduce things that make areas less attractive e.g. litter
- Advertise and market
- Improve infrastructure
- Make it cheaper to visit
Why are extreme environments popular?
Reasons for the attraction:
- Ideal settings for adventure holidays
- Some wildlife can only be seen in these areas
- Amazing scenery
Tourism in extreme environments is increasing because:
- Improvments in transport have made it easier to get to the extreme places.
- People want to see places like Antarctica before they melt due to global warming
- More disposobal income
- More popular due to advertising, TV and films
Impact of tourism on extreme environments
Ecosystems in extreme environments are often delicately balanced because it's so hard for life to survive in the harsh conditions. Tourists can upset the fragile environment and cause serious problems.
- Trees cut down to make fuel this leads to deforestation which destroys habitats.
- Footpath ersoion can lead to landslides
- Rivers polluted from sewage
- Oil spills can pollute the environment
- Tourists can intoduce new diseases
Case study for extreme environments (Antarctica)
Impacts of tourism
- Tourists can trample plants and disturb wildlife
- Tourists can introduce diseases that can wipe out species
- Spillage of fuel from the ships that take the tourists could harm sea creatures such as penguins
- Sewage form ships can damage the environment
How they're solving negative impacts:
- Some areas are off limits to tourists
- Wildlife can't be disturbed whilst being observed
- No litter can be left behind
- Tourists must stay with their group
- Sewage must be treated biologically
- Scientists must be free to research
- No nuclear waste disposal allowed
Ecotourism doesnt harm the environment and helps local people, it involves:
- Conservation - Protecting and managing the environment
- Stewardshiop - Taking responsibility for managing the environment
Conservation and stewardship should involve the local people and organisations so they can feel a benefit.
Usually a smale scale activity with only small numbers of visitors, helping keep the environmental impact low. Usually includes activities such as wildlife viewing and walking.
Benefits of ecotourism
- Locals encouraged to consever the environment
- Reduces poaching of endangered species
- Reduces use of fossil fuels
- Waste from tourists disposed of carefully to avoid pollution
- Jobs for locals
- People not directly involved in tourism can make a profit
Coastal resort - Blackpool
- Started to develop as a resort in 1850 when a railway was built which gave easy access form the cities, a lot of factory workers came for holidays.
- By 1900 the promenade, piers and hotels werebeginning ot be built
- Eventually became the UKs leading coastal resort
- All inclusive holidays meant numbers to Blackpool began to decline
- By 1999 visitor numbers dropped from 17 million to 11 million
- 300 holiday flats closed
- 1000 hotels closed
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