Definition of ideology is- worldview or set of ideas and values. (Belief system)
Marxism +ideology.
society is divided into two opposed classes.
Prolateriat need class consciousness to overthrow capitalists, but capitalists run ideology + socialisation.
Hegemony + Revolution
Ruling class ideology= hegemony.
Abercrombie says economic factors eg fear of unemployment stops w/c from rebelling.
Organic interlectuals.
Karl Mannheim: Ideology and utopia
His work was done between two wolrd wars therefore era dependant!
- sees all belief systems as a one sided worldview.
Two types of belief systems.
Ideological thought. - justifies keeping things as they are. Reflects interests of ruling privileged class.
Utopian thought- justifies social change. it reflects interests of underprivileged. similar to counter hegemony.