Throughout this poem, there are quotes to support the two latin sayings; "remember death" and "seize the day". As the speaker so despirately wants to have sex with this woman, he's suggesting that they live in the moment and enjoy life now because otherwise, she'll be dead before she knows it.
Quotations for these sayings could be: "Now let us sport us while we may"- Carpe Diem and "then Worms shall try"- Momento Mori.
Gatsby, on the other hand, took a while to come into contact with Daisy as he wanted everything to be perfect, ready for him to swoop in and be with her for the rest of his life.
However, Gatsby doesnt 'Momento Mori', and dies before he gets the chance to be with her openly.
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"To His Coy Mistress"
"Coy" means fake, or shyness, implying that this woman may be portraying one trait or the other.
This also suggests that she tells the speaker she doesn't want sex, but secretly does.
"Mistress" is another word for master so implies that this woman is the one in charge. It is also what a woman is called who is ahving an affair with a married man.
Myrtle is Tom's mistress but Daisy, as far as the novel shows, has always known what is going on.
Myrtle also fits the description of "Coy" as her materialism means that she is fake in the way she presents herself.
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"our long Loves Day."
"Love" is only mentioned twice throughout the whole poem, suggesting that it's not what the speaker wants, just sex.
However, by capitalising the word in both mentionings, it makes love seem all the more important as it stands out in the text, giving emphasis on this strong emotion.
The way that "Love"is only mentioned twice throughout the poem links to Gatsby in the idea that he doesnt really love Daisy, but is in love with the memory of her.
This however, could be disagreed with as Nick's emotions towards Gatsby may overshadow Gatsby's true love for Daisy i.e. Nick's jealousy means that he writes Gatsby as loving him more than Daisy.
As shown when Nick's character first comes into contact with Gatsby's, there is a series of hyperboles used to describe his physical appearance e.g. "eternal", "irresistable" "best" and "elaborate".
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"Thus, though we... will make him run"
At the time, the Sun was thought to move around the Earth. They thought that the sun created time, implying that the couple can't stop time, but they can change places with it.
The quotation implies that their sex can't make the Sun stop moving, but whenever they do, they would persue time instead of time persuing them.
The repetition of collective pronouns in these two lines show how the speaker wants to be with this woman, not selfishly, but equally.
Gatsby can't stop time, or go back, but he still attempts to "repeat the past".
Time, and the lack of control characters have over it, is a theme that occours throughout the novel.
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