The versailles treaty demanded a reduction in the size of the army. The reduction was too much for a number of right-wing nationalists who demanded the terms be rejected and Weimar state be overthrown.
The figurehead of the movement - General Ludendorff + leaders such as General von Luttwitz from right-wing party.
March 1920 - gov's defence minister ordered that parts of the Freikorps disband as part of the scaling down of armed forces. A group of army officers led by Luttwitz refused to disband + instead demanded the resignation of Ebert + the government + new elections to the Reichstag.
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Kapp-Luttwitz Putsch - Events
On the night of 12th March Luttwitz led his Freikorps into Berlin where they siezed the government district of the city.
The defence Minister Noske - ordered the army to act. But Kapp was declared Chancellor by Luttwitz.
The goverment fled - but before it left it appealed to the workers to strike in defence for the Republic. The response was immediate; a large scale strike paralysed the capital with the rebels failing to win the support of the civil service or financial institutions.
After 4 days - the Kapp regime collapsed - Luttwitz and Ludendorff fled.
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Kapp-Luttwitz Putsch - Impact
The K-L P posed a significant threat to the Republic.
It revelaed the army's reluctance to support the Republic + the dubious loyalty of the Freikorps.
In Bavaria - army officers sympathetic to the putsch forced the elected SPD to resign and replaced it with a government from the right.
Ultimately - the putsch underlined the fact that the Republic relied nearly exclusively on unreliable forces to maintain a semblance of 'order'.
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The Ruhr revolution 1920
In response to the threat from the Freikorps - workers in the Ruhr formed a 'Red Army': essentialy a workers militia.
On 15th March - they seized power + set up a government in Essen with the aim of setting up a Soviet state.
The government sent in the Freikorps + a willing army to crush the revolution.
This was very ironic as the government was using the same force that had just shown their dubious loyalty towards the Republic.
The armys attack on the 'Red Army' in the Ruhr was ferocious: no prisoners being taken - people shot on the spot.
The fighting was heaviest in around Essen - with the 'Red Arny' finally defeated on 7th April. The Ruhr revolution of 1920 was over.
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