Crimean War - Little impact as no national assembly - organs of Government the same eg. Council of Ministers - wanted to preserve autocracy
Russo-Japanese War - Caused 1905 revolution - humiliating defeat - military not improved
1905 revolution - wanted 1 rouble/day not just due to war - led to Duma, 1st form of national representation = big change. Restricted by Fundamental Laws 1906 but still big change
WW1 - Social unrest due to inflation, food rotting, not liking Rasputin - Feb 1917 - instable PG - No more autocracy - share power with Petrograd Soviet, still unelected
Oct 1917 - linked to WW1, peace bread land - stayed in - Change in ideology but Constituent Assembly closed after lost to SRs - autocratic style? Civil War - on party unity 1921
WW2 - Very little impact as Stalin able to survive war - ideology same
Cold War - Khrushchev tried removing cult of personality - West tensions, but organs same
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