Structural Marxism argues that the state performs political and ideological functions that are divided into two apparatuses:
1. The Represssive state apparatuses (RSA's) ; the army, the police, prisons which force the WC into complying with the will of the upper class. This is how Marxists have traditionally saw the state.
2. The ideological state apparatuses (ISA's): institutions such as the family and the education system manipulate the working class into accepting capitalism. This is done in the following ways:
- Religion; an illusion which eases the pain produced by explotation (opium function) encourages the WC to work hard in order to reap the rewards in the afterlife.
- Family; encourages children to do as their parents say like their capitalist bosses will . the family also acts as a 'safety valve'
-Education; prepares pupils for work
- Crime and deviance; the ruling class have the power to define what is acceptable and have the advantage of a law and order system that favours their interests
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