The Weimar republic 1918-33

  • The origins and the early problems of the Weimar Republic 1918-23
  • The recovery of the Republic under Stresemann 1924-29
  • The impact of the Great Depression 1929-33

The Weimar Republic 1918-33

  • The origins and early problems of the Weimar Republic 1918-23
  • The recovery of the Republic under Stresemann 1924-29
  • The impact of the Great Depression  1929-33
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Amplification of content

The origins and early problems of the Weimar Republic relate to October/November 1918 and the setting up of the Republic; The signing and effects of the Treaty of Versailles and the reasons for opposition, weaknesses in the constitution, attacks from the left (the spartacists) and the right (the Kapp Putsch), the French occupation of the Ruhr and the impact of hyperinflation. The recovery of the republic in the years 1924-29 includes the work of Stresemann's successes abroad, especially Locarno, League and Kellogg-Briand. The impact of the Great Depression involves worst effects of unemployment and the failure of successive Weimar Governments to deal with this between 1929 and January 1933

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Hitler and the growth of the Nazi Party 1918-33

  • The founding and early growth of the Nazi party 1919-23
  • The Munich Putsch  and the lean years 1923-29
  • Increased support and political developments 1929-January 1933
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The founding of the Nazi Party includes Hitler's career before 1919, especially during the First World War, the setting up and early features of the Nazi party, 1919-22, its aims and the role of the SA. The causes, events and results of the Munich Putsch of 1923, reasons for decline in support for the Nazis in the years 1924-28, party reorganisation and Mein Kampf. The growth in Nazi support in the years 1924-32, especially the appeal of Hitler and the Nazis, Goebbbels and propoganda and the work of the SA. the role of von papen, von Schleicher and von Hidenburg in the years 1932-33

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The Nazi dictatorship 1933-39

  • The removal of opposition 1933-34
  • The police state
  • censorship and propaganda
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The removal of opposition includes the significance of the Reichstag Fire, the enabling Act, the banning of other parties and trade unions, the threat from Rohm and the SA, the Night of the Long Knives and the death of Von Hindenburg. The police state includes the role of the Gestapo, ** and concentration camps and the persecution of both the Catholic and Protestant Churches. Censorship and Propagada includes: Goebbels and the ministry of propoganda, Nazi use of the ratio, cinema, posters, newspapers, rallies, censorship, sport, culture and the arts.

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Nazi domestic policies

  • Nazi policies towards women and the young
  • Employment and the standard of living
  • The persecution of minorities
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Amplification of content

Nazi aims and policies towards the young, especially control of education and the youth movements, and Nazi aims and changes in the role of women in the family and employment. Nazi policies to reduce unemployment, including the labour service, autobahns, rearmament and invisible unemployment. Changes in the standard of living, especially of German workers- the Labour Front, Strength Through Joy, Beauty with Labour, wages, prices and the volkswagen. The persecution of minorities includes Nazi racial beliefs and policies, particularly with reference to the Jews.

NOTE: Topics one and two were in the mock exams, Have not been taught topics three and four in year 10. Focus on these.

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