Give a definition of business? what mission do they have? what constraints? Give examples? Are they all profit? What does kauffman say? what creates value? name 14? define them? explain how they add value?
Name five functions of a business? Define its role?
What happened in 2008? what percent did it contract in how long a month period? what about in 2013? what percent? which countries are better? which are worse? what about the western world? what about China and India? who are also experiencing relativly high levels of growth? why? despite increase everrywhere whats the problem? when will the world economy be more certain? why?
What are the two distinct (if linked) developments? what do all economies do?called? what happens as an economy grow to people? leading them to? what happens when a recession hits? then what happens? what happens next? what happens to the boom? generating? what is the last five years then? is it the same though? particuarly where? How long was the period of growrth before recession? with what exception? when the bubble burst what had happened to UK households? higher than? what did this mena? what did adults owe? higher than? how much of the debt was in property? in what form? what had happened to house prices in 2007? what had happened in the last ten yearS? since august 2007? what was another form of personal debt? how much?e,g,? when is it hard to pay? why? who must take some blame? when were interests cut to far? why was real inflation underestimated? what was to low? what built? what has advanced at a fast pace? e.g.? fueling? at the end of 2012 what was personal debt? compared to 2008?
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