newer jobs meant more work for women (post office)
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The arguments against female suffrage
encourage women to work
would mean giving all men the vote
women do not fight so should not decide on wars
too emotional and delicate
too pure for the 'grubby' world of politics
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The arguments for female suffrage
paliament decisions affect women too
women pay taxes
are allowed to vote in some local elections
single mothers have the same responsabilities as men
uneducated men can vote
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Effectiveness of the Suffragettes
National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS)
Founded in 1897 by Millicent Fawcett
More diplomatic
Used persuation, meetings and petitions in parliament
Involved some politicians (men)
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Effectiveness of the Suffragists
Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)
Founded in 1903 by Emmeline Pankhurst, who previously founded the WFL (women's vote in local elections)
Wanteds results quickley- used violence and got arrested, especially after 1912. Chained themselves to railings, physically abused polliticians, smashed windows/paintings
PM Asquith was against women having the vote
Emily Davison was killed on Derby Day (Epsom) June 1913- killed by the king's horse whilst trying to put the Suffragette flag on the horse
Violence put of support but raised awareness
many suffragettes went on hunger strike in prison- force fed
'Cat and Mouse Act'- governement let out Suffragettes to recover from hunger strike then rearrested them
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Why some women were given the vote in 1918
During WW1, women did men's jobs when they were fighting (bus conductors, factory workers,farmers, nurses etc which helped the war effort)
The voting system had to change anyway. Currently only men who had lived at the same address for a year could vote. Had to change for soldiers
Attitudes to women had changed, they were grateful for their contribution to the war effort
Suffragettes had stopped campaiging over the war- no one wanted them to start again
Representation of the people's act became law in 1918- women over 30 could vote if they were a householder or married to one and all men over 21
Women could become MPs (Nancy Astor, 1919)
All women over 21 could vote in 1928- equal voting rights
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