The Peace Treaties of 1919-1923
A set of cards that can be used to test your knowledge on the peace treaties of this time - including the treaty of versailles. The question is on one card and the answers are on the next :-)
- Created by: Kerry Lea
- Created on: 30-05-10 13:41
Peace Treaties 1
Why were the Peace Treaties needed after the first world war?
- 50 million people had been killed or injured
- 8 billion pounds had been wasted
- labour and materials had been wasted
- some soldiers suffered from shell shock, loss of limbs and had lost their minds because of the sights that they saw
France + Belgium + Italy
there had been a lot of fighting in these countires so many areas were left devestated
had spent 9 billion on defence (some borrowed)
the war led to a revolution and a communist take over
Peace Treaties 2
What Peace Conference was set up to resolve the aftermath of WW1?
(OR Known As: the Versailles conference)
Peace Treaties 3
Who were the Big 3?
- Lloyd George (British prime minister)
- Clemenceau (French prime minister)
- Wilson (American president)
Peace Treaties 4
What issues were discussed at Versailles?
- Who was guilty for starting the war?
- Should Germany pay reparations? how much?
- Should Germany be allowed armed forces? how many?
- Should Austria be allowed to unite with Germany? because there are lots of German speaking people that live there
- Should Germany be allowed to keep colonies? If not what should happen to these colonies? should they become independant or should a new inernation organisation take control of them?
Peace Treaties 5
What was his character like?
What was his attitude towards Germany?
What were his main aims at the peace conference?
uncompromising, hard, tough - because his country had been invaded by germany a lot in the past and he didnt want it to happen again
attitude to Gemany
feels threatened because his country is right next door - he wantes revenge - HATES Germany
his main aims
wanted to make Germany weak, wants to destroy them and make them pay for the damage of ww1. he wants alsace lorraine back and wants to prevent the spread of communism
Lloyd George
What was his character like?
What was his attitude towards Germany?
What were his main aims at the peace conference?
he was an experienced politician and a realist - he knew that there would have to be a compromise when making peace
attitude to germany
he DISLIKED germany - he wanted to carry on trade with germany - he did feel a little threatened by them because they are so clode to the UK
to fufil his election promises to the british public (revenge for the British), to revive trade with germany and to stop the sprad of communism
Peace Treaties 7
What was his character like?
What was his attitude towards Germany?
What were his main aims?
idealist - wanted peace - a reformer - didnt want the USA to join the war but when it did he created his 14 points to make sure it ended fairly
attitude towards germany
felt IMPARTIAL towards germany - they were a long distanve apart so he didnt feel threatened - he wants peace
main aims
he wanted the Leafue of nations to be set up to prevent future war - he wanted to stop the spread of communism, to create peace using his 14 points, to create new independant nations
Peace Treaties 8
Name some of Wilsons 14 points.......
(i've been told to only learn the main 6)
(i remember them by thinking Frogs Do Care About Every Lilypad)
(Frogs) Free seas
(Do) Disarmament
(Care) Colonies
(About) Alsace Lorraine
(Every) Eastern Europe
(Lilypad) League of Nations
Peace Treaties 9
what treaty dealt with germany?
the treaty of versailles
Peace Treaties 10
what was the german reaction to the treaty of versailles?
they were APPALLED!!!
they thought it was very unfair and thought it was even worse because they didnt get invited to attend the paris peace conference and so didnt get a say in peace
they didnt feel that they should be responsible for the whole war
the german public nicknamed the treaty 'DIKTAT' because it just dictated to them what they had to do
Peace Treaties 11
what objects did germany lose because of the treaty of versailles?
- 10% people
- 13% land
- 15% cattle
- 16% wheat
- 17% potatoes
- 26% coal mines
- 75% iron
- 90% merchant shipping
Peace Treaties 12
what land did germany lose because of the treaty of versailles?
- alsace lorraine --> france
- saar --> france
- malmedy --> belgium
- north schleswig --> denmark
- west prussia --> poland
- upper silesia --> poland
- memel --> lithuania
also all german colonies became mandrates to the league of nations
the treaty of versailles also told the germans that they:
- had to accept all the blame for the war
- had to pay reparations
- had to disarm
- had to accept that territory was going to be taken off of them
Why were the germans angry about each of these?
taking the balme for the war
the germans felt that they didnt deserve the balme for the war and thay the blame should be shared
paying reparations
germany was already in debt and had little food due to the war - when they were told that they had to pay £6.6 billion they feared that it would cripple them
they were limited to 100,000 men in the army and so the german thought that this was a very small amount for such a big country - they also was angry because of the fact that they were the only country made to disarm
loss of territory
this was a major blow to german pride and economy - as the Saar and upper silesia were important industrail areas
Peace Treaties 14
what did................. think of the treaty of versailles?
a) clemenceau
b) lloyd george
c) wilson
a) clemenceau - not harsh enough
b) lloyd george - thought it would cause another war
c) wilson - didnt want it at all and thought that it would cause another war
Peace Treaties 15
why did clemenceau feel that the treaty of versailles was not harsh enough on the germans and why did he want them so severly punished in the first place?
the germans had caused the french to lose:
- soldiers killed
- soldiers wounded
- factories destroyed
- railway line wrecked
- houses destroyed
- coal and iron industry destroyed
- 5 billion spent on defence
- 2 million people also had to flee their homes
Peace Treaties 16
the treaty of versailles enforced certain restrictions on the german army - what were these restrictions?
- the army was limited to 100,000 men
- conscription was banned
- germany was allowed no submarines, aircraft or armoured vehicles
- the navy was only allowed 6 battleships
- the rhineland became a demilitarised zone
Peace Treaties 17
what was the treaty of st germain?
1919 - dealt with austria
it enforced that:
- austria was not allowed to unite with germany
- it confirmed that austria was no longer a leading power
- the treaty also took a lot of land and colonies away from Austria
- it could only have an army of 30,000 men
- bohemia and moravia were taken away and made into a new state now known as czechoslovakia
- galicia went to poland
- Bosnia, Herzegovina and croatia were taken away and made into a new state now known as Yugoslavia
Peace Treaties 18
what was the treaty of nevilly?
1919 - dealt with bulgaria
- some of bulgaria's land was given to greece, romania and yugoslavia
- it also lost its access to the mediterranean sea
- it had to limit its armed forces to 20,000 men
- a bill of £100 million was given in reparations
Peace Treaties 19
what was the treaty of trianon?
1920 - dealt with Hungary
- the main terms involved the transfer of territories
- transylavania became part of romania
- slovakia and rutheria became part of czechoslovakia
- slovakia and croatia became part of yugoslavia
- 3 million hungarians found themselves in another country
- the loss of people meant that hungarys workforce and therefore economy was very weak
- they were due to pay reparations but never did due to the fact that the economy was so weak
Peace Treaties 20
what was the treaty of sevrers?
1920 - dealt with Turkey
- smyrna --> greece
- syria --> mandate under french control