The New Deal
- Created by: naomih
- Created on: 28-04-13 05:40
The 100 days
New Deal 3 main aims:
- Relief: extreme poverty, feed the starving, stop losing homes/farms
- Recovery: Revive economy by getting industries going
- Reform: Make USA a better place bringing measures e.g. unemplyment pensions
Talking to people:
- 8 days after his inauguration, gave first radio boradcasts known as Fireside chats
Sorting the banks:
- since 1930, over 5000 banks had been forced to close
- Closed all banks for a '4day holiday' and rushed an Emergency Banking Act in 8 hrs
- Only banks gov. decided were honest allowed to reopen, restored public confidence and customers redeposited $1billion shortly after
The Alphabet Agencies(1)
-Farm Credit Admin. (FCA) made loans to 1/5 farmers -Agricultural Adjustment Agency (AAA) killed 6 mill piglets, 1933-39 income doubed
-Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) (1933-42) 3 mill men under 25 joined -CIvilian Works Admin. (CWA) (1933-34)gave jobs to 4 mill e.g. sweep leaves -Public Works Admin. (PWA) $7 bill spent emply skilled men to build dams, bridges etc : (1933-39) built 70% Schools 35% hospitals
Helping needy:
-Federal Emergency Relief Admin. (FERA) given $500mil to help poor e.g. soup kitchens -Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) loaned money to >1mill prevent losing homes
The Alphabet Agencies(2)
-National Recovery Admin. (NRA) to increase workers wages, prices of goods, fairer deal in workplace (working conditions+shorter hours)- -Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) built 33 dams to control Tennessee river (Norris Dam)
2nd New Deal
Most alphabet agencies set up in 1935, more introduced during 1935-37
American society+improving conditions for ordinary people:
-Works Progress Admin. (WPA)1935 gave work to 2mill built roads, bridges,tunnels etc -Social Security Act 1935 state pension for over 65s, proposed unemployment insurance scheme with aid from the federal gov. -The Wagner Act 1935 Senator Wagner support workers wanting to form trade unions -Resettlement Admin. (RA)1935 aimed to move 500,000 families to better land replaced by Farm Security Admin(FSA) 1937 gave loans to sharecroppers+farmers - set up labour camps helped migrants
Who did not support the New Deal (interfered too m
Republicans: claimed Roosevelt behaving like a dicatator
: TVA+NRA schemes like the communist economic planning
: The Social Security Act undermine the American way of life
Business: not like gov. interference in their affairs e.g. raise wages
: 1934, formed the LIberty League to oppose New Deal
The rich: resented having to pay higher taxes, taken some of their power
who did not support the New Deal (not doing enough
Huey 'Kingfish' Long:
-by 1934, he sttacked new deal for not doing enought for poor -Proposed 'Share Our Wealth" scheme: every family given $4000-5000., min wage etc. -Had many opponents, in 1935 assasinated by a yound doctor
Doctor Francis Townsend:
-Proposed everyone over 60 hsould get pension of $200/month -Thought this would provide jobs for young people, demand for goods - Older poeple liked the idea, 7000 'Townsend Clubs'
Father Coughlin, the 'radio' priest:
-broadcast his ideas on radio to some 40 mill Americans on Sun evenings -Accused Roosevelt of failing to tackle the problems of poor -Set up National Union For Social Justice, attracted millions -His idea was confused and audience faded away by 1940
Supreme Court and the New Deal
Supreme Court Judgements:
-Ruled that National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was unconstitutional cant control busin. -1936, declared measures taken by (AAA) could only be made by individual states not gov
Roosevelt's Response:
-1936, asked Congress to give him power to appoint 6 new judges -picked judges that were sympathetic towards the New deal, attempt to 'pack the Court' -judges were shaken and some retired voluntarily -New judges were less hostile, accepted New Deal in more carefully constructed laws
How Successful was the New Deal
Black People:
-remained 2nd-class citiznes, still widespread racism+discrimination -Segregation continued even in the New Deal (segregated CCC camps) -by 1935, 30% living on relief, (1940), 1 in 20 blacks to 1 in 3 whites get desk job -failed to put through civil rights laws (anti-lynching law) -DID BENEFIT 200,000 in CCC, given positions of responsibility in the New Deal
Native Americans: DID BENEFIT
-Indian Re-organisation Act 1934 provided money to buy own land for tribe(50mill acres) -Gave the right to manage their own affairs e.g. setting up their own courts of law
-only 800,000 included in CCC, cheap labour -> wages hald of men in 1937 -Social Security Act required gov to provide money for women+child BUT states avoid -DID BENEFIT given positions of responsibility e.g. Mary Macleod, Francis Perkins
Was Roosevelt Good for America?
-driving force behind the New Deal, left much lasting value e.g. schools -relieved suffering of millions, orgranising gov.funded relief -rescued banking system+saved business from collapsing -raised morale+inspired hope which gave people courage to face challenge -saved democracy in America
-did not get American economy out of Depression, policies did not beat high unemplyed -did not do enought for certain groups: black people -made central gov.+presidency too powerful, damaging independance of Supreme Court -Interfered too much in poeple's lives, taking away self-reliance e.g. Social Security Act -Prevented businesses from recovering quickly with rules and growth of labour Unions
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