Organic derivatives of ammonia, they have alkyl groups attached to N instead of hydrogen. The lone pair of electrons allows them to act as bases, ligands and nucleophiles.
A primary amine has a N atom bonded to one alkyl group. Secondary amine is bonded to two, tertiary amine is bonded to three. When naming, name the carbon chain followed by amine, or use the prefix amino (NH2) followed by the alkane.
Amines dissolve in water forming weakly alkaline solutions. They also accept a H+ ion from water or from an acid.
Primary Amine + Halogenoalkane
Secondary Amine
Secondary Amine + Halogenoalkane
Tertiary Amine
Primary amides have general formula R-C=O-NH2.
Secondary amides have general formula R'-C=O-N-HR.
When amides are hydrolysed, C-N bond breaks. Acid hydrolysis makes carboxylic acid and alkylammonium ion. Alkaline hydrolysis makes carboxylate ion and an amine (both reflux).
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