The Go-Between Revision Cards
Revision cards for The Go-Between, L. P. Hartley
4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
- Created by: Alicia
- Created on: 23-10-13 22:05
- Only child in moderaltely well-off family
- Educated at home until death of father
- Imaginative child who's fascinated by signs of zodiac
- Doesn't make friends easily
- V. conformist
- Success of 'curse' raises his self-esteem
- Half believes he has magical powers
- Nearly 13
- Just beginning to be conscious of himself as person
- Searching for some-one to act as role model
- Admires Trimmingham
- Ignorant of facts of life
- Identifies Marian with sign of Virgo in his diary
- Sensitive
- Shares anguish of Marian & Ted
- Sympathises with Marian's predicament
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- Beautiful young woman from upper-middle class family
- Not free to follow her own feelings
- Torn between her new love for Ted Burgess and Lord Trimmingham
- Determined
- Genuinely loves Ted
- Doesn't want to see Ted hurt
- Critical of Ted's suicide
- Has cruel streak in her character
- Snubs Trimmingham on more than 1 occassion
- Turns quite viciously on Leo when he stops taking messages
- Does have good side too
- Basically kind
- Can be manipulative
- Seems fond of Leo
- Not prepared to accept responsibility
- Suffers as result of her actions
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- Working farmer
- Allows himself to be dominated by Marian
- Marian calls his beh. in shooting himself weak
- Caught up in situation which can only lead to disaster
- Embarrassed at being centre of attention
- His physical strengths impressive
- Contrasts with Marian in he has more concern over Leo
- Tries to offer Leo something in return
- Also writes him genuine letter of apology
- Doesn't patronise Leo
- Has his dignity
- It's tribute to his personality he's character Leo feels most of at end of affair
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- Member of aristocracy
- Tactfully saves Leo from embarrasment over title
- Genuinely kind to Leo
- Sensitive to feelings of Leo
- He too employs Leo as messenger
- Contributes to Leo's feeling special by calling him Mercury
- He seems to be genuinely in love with Marian
- Doesn't seem to have any mercenary motive in marrying her
- 'Nothing is ever a lady's fault'
- Dignified strength's shown in way he brings up Marian and Ted's son
- He impresses Leo with his admirable character
- behaves with impeciable courtesy
- No suggestion he wants to get Ted out way
- Encourages Ted to enlist out of patriotism
- Already demonstrated his own bravery
- Seems to be good landlord
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- Fellow school pupil of Leo
- Mealses outbreak has bought them together
- He's year young than Leo
- Favourite word of criticim's 'boring'
- He's fascinated by adult world
- It's he who tells his mother where Ted & Marian meet
- Snob who criticises Leo's knowledge of etiquette
- More quick-witted than Leo
- He can be spiteful
- His role in novel's in part to act as informant to Leo
- His self-assurance also highlights Leo's sense of inferiority
- His illness in part leads to Leo becoming go-between
- He's tragically killed in WW1
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- Presented initially as v. strong character
- Has v. piercing eyes which seem to reflect her strong will
- Strain of successfully bringing about Marian's engagement to Trimmingham begins to show
- People aren't at ease in her company
- When she's ill house takes on more relaxed atmosphere
- Not v. sensitive to feelings of others
- Makes Leo cry over not having any summer clothes
- Marcus is her favourite
- She's rather sarcastic to older son
- Partly to blame for Leo's breakdown
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- Silent, reserved man
- Seems at 1st to be dominated by wife
- Takes temp. readings begin to fascinate Leo
- Cricket match shows hidden strength of his character
- He has some shrewd suspicions of Ted Burgess
- Represents new upper-middle class who have made their own money
- Arising in importance compared to inherited status of aristocracy
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- Marcus' older brother
- No mentions made of his employment
- His character's displayed in his enthusiastic innings
- He's in awe of his mother
- Little to say to Leo
- Typical member of snobbish upper-middle class
- Lack of intelligence provides contrst to Trimmingham
- Tragically killed in WW1
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- Leo's mother
- Her reluctance to spend money on summer clothes means he can't cope with heatwave
- Close but Leo still finds it hard to confide in her
- Catastrophe might have been averted if she had responded differently to Leo's 2 contradictory letter's home
- She has v. strong sense of what's right & wrong
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- Most important theme in novel
- Leo's shown as just beginning to tire of childish amusements
- He's flattered when Ted tells him he's brave
- Hate's it when older people treat hum as child
- He likes being centre of attention
- Desire to behave responsibility leads him into saying goodbye to Ted
- It was his wish to sound grown up mafe him offer to take 1st letter
- Still child in many ways
- Misunderstands lot of adult lang.
- He & Marcus use schoolboy slang
- When he has his new green suit, he becomes Robin Hood
- Like child he likes to feel special
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- Linked to theme of growing up
- Leo's beginning to feel concious of himself
- Tea party shows him aware for 1st time how he must look to other people
- He feels awkward on swimming expedition
- He's initially horrified at idea of singing at concert
- It's partly his growing sense of himself as person which makes him feel responsible for events he finds himself involved in
- He's v. hurt when he thinks they have all been mocking his naivety
- Marcus on other hands already aware of significance of appearance
- He points out to Leo differently in their social status means Trimmingham can get away with wearing bow-tie
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- L. P. Hartley himself used this phrase to describe way Leo was treated by Marian & Ted
- Increasingly relied upon Leo
- Both used emotional blackmail
- Ted realised it was Marian who made Leo cry
- Ted also treated Leo almost as equal
- Leo doesn't feel exploited by Ted
- Marian's responsibility's perhaps greater
- Quickly realises Leo's potential as messenger
- She shows no awareness he might be finding his role as messenger strain
- She encourages his obvious devotion to her
- She knows how naive he is
- Marian burdens him with her misery
- Lashes out at him
- It's her recklessness leads to trauma
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- Shown by words L. P. Hartley uses to open story
- Past has had profound effect on this elderly man
- We know some of outcomes before we learn of events
- This ideas reinforced by his meeting with young Edward
- There's added impact of events of 20th century
- Leo's memory for long time blanked out past
- As he relives past he's able to get events into better perspective
- Marian's grandson too refuses to talk to her about past
- End of novel suggests Leo will be able to help him to understand situation
- There's kind of irony in Marian used Nanny Robson's poor memory as excuse for forgetting visits
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- Main part of novel takes place in late-Victorian England
- Victorious long rain in of over 60 years saw many changes in education
- British empire covered v.large area of world
- Exports bought great wealth to country
- There were no signs prosperity could ever declince
- Year 1900 marked new century
- Branham Hall's tryocal of large country house of perios
- Hall sees itself as serperate from neighbouring villages
- It's run by large number of servants
- Leo's not expected to fold his clothes himself
- House's always full of visitors
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