The Carbonyl group Aldehydes ketones 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? ChemistryFunctional GroupsA2/A-level Created by: mariamCreated on: 14-11-10 22:06 Carbonyl Group The carbonyl group Dipole-dipole forces between the molecules Boiling points higher than alkanes Difference in electro-negativity ----> strongly polar NUCLEOPHILIC reagents can attack the C+ contains double bonds so unsaturated ----> addition reactions are possible most typical reactions are nucleophilic addition CARBONYL GROUP 1 of 11 Aldehydes and Ketones Aldehyde- AL the aldehyde group can occur at the end of the group Ketones - ONE A ketone fewer than 3 carbons is not possible Solubility short chain aldehyde and ketone's mix completely with water as h bonds form between O from the carbonyl group and H20 As chain length increases the carbonyl group gets less soluble Short chain aldehyde's and ketone's are liquids - pleasant smells scent soaps and food 2 of 11 Nucleophilic addition reactions 3 of 11 4 of 11 Addition of Hydrogen Cyanide (ketone) Addition of Hydrogen Cyanide (ketone) Ketone's can't be oxidised as the C-C bond must be broken 5 of 11 Addition of hydrogen cyanide (Aldehyde) increased length of carbon chain by 1 carbon -----> HYDROXYNITRILE Aldehyde's ---> oxidised to carboxylic acids----> oxidising agent K dichromate In a aldehyde or unsymmetrical ketone, the HCN can attack above or below the flat C=O group 6 of 11 Reduction Reduction reducing agents will reduce Aldehyde's and Ketone's to alcohols 1 reducing agent NaBH4--------> generates H- NUCLEOPHILE HYDRIDE ION H- C=O is reduced but not the C=C as it is repelled by HIGH ELECTRON DENSITY in the C=C BOND. BUT the H- is attracted to the C+ of the C=O bond 7 of 11 8 of 11 Reducing an Ketone (NUCLEOPHILIC ADDITION REACTION Reducing an Ketone - NUCLEOPHILIC ADDITION REACTION 9 of 11 Reducing an Aldehyde (NUCLEOPHILIC ADDITION REACTI Reducing an Aldehyde - NUCLEOPHILIC ADDITION REACTION 10 of 11 Reducing an Aldehyde (NUCLEOPHILIC ADDITION REACTI Reducing an Aldehyde - NUCLEOPHILIC ADDITION REACTION 11 of 11