The Road to Independence: India, 1914-48
This is a set of revision cards covering "The Road to Independence: India, 1914-48". I've highlighted things in yellow that are linked to other topics in this unit and put important points in bold. They're not quite done yet but please take alook and rate once you're done. Thank you: :)
- Created by: RhiannonHarradine
- Created on: 20-03-17 15:14
British Governance in India Pre-1914
- East India Company ran much of India until 1858
- 1857: The Indian Mutiny
- Britain, concerned with the power of the EIC and the Indian Mutiny, passed the Government of India Act, transferring all the powers of the EIC to the British Crown
- 1885: First annual meeting of the INC, a forum for discussion dominated by high-caste Hindus
- 1906: The All-Indian Muslin League founded
- Independence not an aim at the time
The Impact of WW1
India's Response to the Outbreak of WW1
- INC & ML declared support
- Gandhi urged Indians to volunteer
India's Military & Economic Contribution to the War
- 1.5 million recruited by Nov. 1918
- 60,000 casualties
- £146 million contributed to the Allied war effort
- Many fought in the Middle East, aginst the Ottoman Turks - politically important
Economic impact on India
- Increased taxation, fuel shortages & rising prices
- Manufacturing expanded to replace imports (import costs up 190%)
- Famines & grain shortages due to drought
- Minor unrest
The Lucknow Pact, 1916
- 1913: ML see the annulment of the Bengal partition as a British loss of interest in separate electorates. They add separation from the Raj to their list of demands, which brings them closer to Congress.
- The declaration of war against Turkey in 1914 caused resentment among those Muslims who saw the Sultan as their Caliph.
- Jinnah, the ML's chief spokesman, did not like separate electorates (he was secular)
- Agrees the no. of Muslim delegates in provincial legislatures should be laid down province by province & that there should be separate electorates unless a joint one is requested
- Strengthens Congress by healing divisions, but was only an agreement so could not be imposed by either organisation
Home Rule Leagues, 1916-17
- Tilak's Home Rule League - national; grows rapidly
- Annie Besant's All-India Home Rule League - grassroots; grows more slowly
- Use rallies, pamphlets, speeches, petitions & newspapers
- Politicise apathetic provinces
- Arguably satisfied by the Govt. of India Act 1919 - not asking for independence / dominion status. Happy for Britain to maintain control of defence, economy, foreign policy, etc
- Provincial assemblies & the Raj become concerned with the rapid growth of the HRL's - Tilak is arrested & Besant interned. This is counter-productive as it only causes the INC & ML to throw their support behind the HRL's. Key theme throughout.
The Montagu Declaration, August 1917
- Edwin Montagu, Sec. of State for India
- Implicitly committed the British govt. to granting some sort of self-govt. to India
- No timescale
- Montagu found the Raj to be slow, complex & reluctant to accept reform
- Particularly critical of Michael O'Dwyer, Governor of the Punjab
The Rowlatt Acts, 1919
- Defence of India Act (1915) - a temporary measure designed to maintain order during WW1
- 1918: Rowlatt Report isolated Bengal, Bombay & the Punjab as centres of revolutionary activity & recommended extension of the Act in these areas
- Recommendations incorporated into the Anarchical & Revolutionary Crimes Act 1919 (the Rowlatt Act)
- Montagu reluctant
- Oppsed by the Indian members of the Indian Legislative Council, who were out-voted anyway
- Repealed in 1922
The Amritsar Massacre, 1919
- Hartals (protests) turn to rioting in Amritsar. Marcia Sherwood, a Britihs lady, is brutally assaulted. British women & children forced to take refuge in Gobindgarh Fort.
- Dyer heads up a "show of force" in Amritsar. Curfew established & meetings / assemblies banned.
- Dyer sends infantrymen into the Jallianwala Bagh & opened fire on a crowd that had gathered there. 400 killed.
- Dyer establishes the Crawling Order - designed to humiliate
- Divides public opinion. Commons against Dyer; Lords supported
- Montagu launches the Hunter Commission, which finds no evidence of a conspiracy to overtrow the Raj
- INC publishes its own inquiry. Its report heavily criticises the Raj & arouses anger among Indians
The Government of India Act, 1919
- Establishes a dyarchy - dividing power between the British & the Indians
- Aims to push power away from the centre & towards the provinces
- Provincial & central legislative assemblies enlarged
- Devolution of education, agriculutre, local govt. & public works
- Franchise extended to 10% of the male population
- Reserved seats for minorities in provincial assemblies
- Arguably does not satisfy anyone
- Left wing see it as too conservative
- Right wing see it as having gone too far
- Congress not happy about reserved seats
Mohandas Gandhi
Gandhi's Aims & Objectives
- Based on the "search for truth". Violence would inhibit the search for truth
- Satyagraha - peaceful protest
- Could be considered to be an anarchist - sought a return to small, self-contained communities
- Popular among the peasantry - adopted a peasant lifestyle
Gandhi as Leader of Congress
- Was not anti-Raj to start with. Rowlatt Acts, the Amritsar Massacre & the outcomes of the Paris Peace Conference changed his mind
- Britain no longer had the moral right to rule India
- Won mass support
- 1920: Made leader of Congress
- Rapport with many different areas due to early involvement in local disputes
Gandhi as Leader of Congress
Attitude to the Raj
- Not anti-Raj to start with
- Supported the British during WW1
- Rowlatt Acts, Amritsar Massare & outcomes of the Paris Peace Conferences changed his mind
Gandhi as leader of Congress\
- Britain no longer had the moral right to rule India
- Won mass support
- 1920: Made leader of Congress
- No real opposition
- Rapport with many different aras due to early involvement in local disputes
Congress's Non-Cooperation Campaign, 1920-22
- Focused on making the Raj ungovernable (boycotting elections, exams, social events run by the Raj & the courts. Refusing to pay taxes & buy imported goods. Leaving govt. posts removing children from schools)
- Some did not wish to participate fully e.g. parents did not want children to lose out on education & professionals did not want to leave lucrative jobs working from the Raj
- Gandhi tried to avoid the campaign from turning violent & targeted areas that were unlikely to bring protestors into conflict with the police
- Turned violent in many areas (Bombay, Rangpur, Malaba & Punjab
- Ended in 1922 when a police station was torched by a mob
- Hindu-Muslim alliance began to disintegrate
Gandhi's Imprisonment
- Congress given time to gain a better undeerstanding of peasants' needs & aspirations
- Congress began to exploit local grievances & use them to campaign for swaraj
- Members of Congress allowed to stand for election & the m/c returned
- The Raj returned to its policy of attempting to balance the need to maintain control while making concessions
The Young Hooligans
- Bose, Nehru & Narayan
- Radical - attracted to socialism
- Strongly opposed dominion status - full independence was their ultimalte goal
The Nehru Report, 1928
- Produced by Nehru Snr.
- Essentially a 1st draft of an Indian Constitution
- Reccommended dominion status
- No further devolution
- Permenant Hindi majority in central govt.
- Vague promises of protection of minority rights & creation of separate Muslim states
- Angred Muslims
The Lahore Congress, 1929
- Congress divided over the Raj & independence
- Many groups were gaining a voice, meaning the Raj could play them off against eachother
- The Young Hooligans were gaining traction
- Gandhi & Congress support purna swaraj (full independence)
Salt March, 1930
- Opposition to the Salt Tax - relatively minor issue that affected all Indians, making it a good way of challenging the Raj
- Gandhi marched to the coast, accompanied by thousands of others & picked up a piece of natural salt. He declared that he had just broken the law & urged others to do the same
- Hundreds were arrested, including Gandhi & Congress leaders
- Congress authorised provincial groups to conduct their own protests, making the movement more flexible & making it harder for the Raj to deal with
- Unrest broke out on a large scale, but the Raj re-gained control by 1931
- Stalemate between the Raj & Congress
The Khilafat Movement
- Emerged in response to the treatment of Turkey post-WW1 & the removal of the Sultan
- Endorsed by Gandhi - used to support 1920-21 civil disobedience
- Opposed by Jinnah (who was secular)
- Collapsed in 1923 as Turkey rejected the caliphate & became secular
- Alienated more western-oriented politicians (Jinnah resigned from Congress)
- Muslims became uncomfortable with Gandhi's leadership
The Simon Commission
- Sent to investigate the working of the Government of India Act, 1919
- Boycotted by Congerss, which later passed a resolution backing purna swaraj (The Nehru Report & The Lahore Congress)
The Irwin Declaration (1929) & the Gandhi-Irwin Pa
The Irwin Declaration
- Reiterated the Montagu Declaration
- Added that dominion status would be a natural development of this
- Indian reps. invited to a Round Table Conference to negotiate a new Indian Constitution
- Congress officially welcomed the declaration & asked for a prisoner amnesty - Irwin refused
The Gandhi-Irwin Pact
- Gandhi & Nehru in prison
- Irwin feared violence from Congress
- Wanted to free Gandhi to allow him to attend the Round Table Conferences, but did not want to be seen to be negotiating with a terrorist
- Gandhi's civil disobedience campaign was suspended, and he promised to attend the Second Round Table Conference. 19,000 prisoners & confiscated property were released
The Round Table Conferences
The First Round Table Conference, Nov. 1930
- Opened by Viceroy Irwin & chaired by Labour PM Ramsay MacDonald
- 16 British delegates, 58 Indian delegates (except Congress)
- India would be granted dominion status
- Would be a federation, with 11 princely states & British provinces
- Indian participation at all levels
The Second Round Table Conference, Sept. - Dec. 1931
- Similar makeup, except Gandhi was present as the sole rep. of Congress
- Conference unravelled over separate electorates
The Third Round Table Conference, Dec. 1932
- British political situation meant that the Lab. govt. had been replaced by a Tory-led coalition. Internal disputes meant Lab. didn't send any delagates
- Other issues were more pressing than India
- Jinnah supported separate electorates, as did the British govt. Gandhi stood firm
The Communal Award, 1932
- Given by PM Ramsey MacDonald
- Gave separate electorates to minorities / special interest groups
- Provoked Gandhi's "fast unto death"
The Yeravda (Poona) Pact, 1932
- Hindus & Untouchables met to make a pact regarding separate eectorates
- Needed to satisfy Gandhi, who had threatened to fast until death, which put immense pressure on all involved
- Settled on the number of provincial assembly seats to be awarded to Untouchables
- Accepted by the British Government, which did not want to be held responsible for Gandhi dying
- Incorporated into the Government of India Act
Support / Opposition in Britain for Constitutional
- Labour generally more progressive & suportive of dominion status & devolution, whilst the Conservatives generally held the opposite view
- The India Defence League was formed by those in Parliament who were opposed to change (ex-military commanders, civil servants, conservative MPs & peers)
- Winston Churchill was always against independence
- The Daily Mail launched a series of articles exaggeratng the issue & claiming that India could not run itself
- PM Stanley Baldwin argued that the British Empire had to either change & adapt or die
- Government of India Act passed in 1935
The Government of India Act, 1935
- The final British-written constitution to be imposed on India by the British government
- India divided in 11 provinces, each with a legislative assembly & a provincial govt. The provinces would control everything except defence & foreign affairs
- Each province would have a governor
- Dyarchy was abolished
- Sate electorates remained the same
- Burma separated from India & given its own govt.
- Sindh & Orissa states created
- Viceroy remained in place, but would have to follow the advice of the Executive Committee
1937 Elections
- Both Congress & the League decided to take part
- Congress was highly successful
- The Muslim League fared babdly, partly due to lack of strong leadership until 1935
Reaction to the Outbreak of WW2
- Shock & horror at the Raj taking India to war with no consultation
- Sympathy with need the defeat facism
- Gandhi urged the British govt. to negotiate with Hitler
- Later supported the British people once it became clear that negotiation was impossible
- Were not prepared to fight unless they were granted immediate swaraj
- Withdrew from provinces where it had a majority in order to disassociate India from the war
- This led to the provinces coming back under the control of the British government
The Muslim League:
- Jinnah sought to take advantage of Congress effectively leaving the political scene
- Jinnah designated the day that Congress abandoned its posts as the "Day of Deliverance"
- The League was able to work with the Raj directly, strengthening its position
Lahore Resolution, March 1940
- March 1940: Jinnah called a meeting fot eh Muslim League to decide on constitutional goals
- Two main proposals: Separate Muslims state made up of those areas in which Muslims were in the majority & the protection of minorities
- It is not certain that the Muslim League invisaged that two separate Muslim states would emerge
- Protests broke out in opposition to the Lahore Resolution. The Raj acted swiftly & many were jailed
- Hindus & Muslims began preparing for conflict between the two
Bose & the Axis Powers
- 1939: Bose left Congress & formed the Forward Bloc
- Anti-British terrorist organisation aimed at forcing the British out of India
- Escaped from jail & went to the USSR and then Germany to gain support for his cause
- The Raj attempted to quash the Forward Bloc
- Hitler sent Bose to Japan to assist with a possible land invasion. This was unsuccessful & many of the Indians enlisted to help either deserted to the British or surrendered.
The Cripps Mission
- Sent by Winston Churchill to secure full Indian cooperation & support for the war effort
- An offer of some form of independence was needed
- Did not offer enough
- Suggested that all Indian parties form an interim govt. of national unity under the Viceroy & his council until the end of the war & allowed states to opt out of a united India
- Open to the idea of interim govt., but wanted more involvement of Indians, which was rejected
The Quit India Campaign
- Linlithgow's plan to arrest Congress leagers & deport them to Uganda fell through - indicative of level of panic within the British Government. Press censorship stepped up as a result of threat of a new independence campaign
- Gandhi argued that an independent India could make peace with Japan. Nehru disagreed
- August 1942: Quit India campaign began.
- Calls to make India ungovernable
- Thousands imprisoned
- Gandhi encouraged individual action. Thousands killed & injured; railway lines, police stations & govt. buildings destroyed
- Largely unsuccessful - the Raj resisted & the army remained loyal
The Bengal Famine, 1943-44
- Run of poor harvests & distribution failures; loss of imports; wartime price inflation & severe weather conditions caused famine
- Disease spread rapidly & was made worse by malnutrition
- Thousands feld to Calcutta to beg for food
- British & American fear of damaging their own war efforts meant they refused to help
- Jinnah blamed the British govt. & Viceroy Wavell battled with Whitehall for more food to be sent to Bengal
The Simla Conference, 1945
- 1945: Viceroy Wavell travelled to London to meet with Cabinet ministers & form a new constitutional settlement
- Executive Council was to be all-Indian, bar the Viceroy & Commander-in-Chief
- Indian political leaders met in Simla to discuss the proposals
- Ended in deadlock regarding how Muslim members of the council would be chosen i.e by the League or by Congress & the League
The Cabinet Mission
- Attlee sent a three-man cabinet mission to try to resolve India's constitutional problems
- Expected that the Labour govt. would implement independence as promised
- Attlee was determined to maintain a united India, appearing to rule out a separate Pakistan
- Aimed to create positive desire for a speedy transfer of power
- Stayed in India for 3 months, determined to break the deadlock between Congress & the League
- Second Simla Conference in 1946 proposed an All-India Union with 3 clusters of provincial govts. & states would be allowed to secede & become independent
The Interim Government Under Nehru?
- September 1946: Nehru became PM
- Huge unrest & violence between Muslims & Hindus
- Viceroy & the Raj sidelined as Congress gained more control over India
- Jinnah became finance minister
- Viceroy Wavell requested that British citizens & military personnel be moved to highly secure safe zones & evacuated from Calcutta & Karachi. Attlee refused & instead contemplated replacement viceroys
- January 1947: Wavell replaced with Mountbatten
- Power was to be handed over no later than 30 June 1948
Mountbatten & the Decision to Withdraw
- Strong pro-Congress sympathies. Got on well with gandhi & Nehru
- Didn't get on with Jinnah
- Charismatic & charming with left-leaning tendencies
Reasons for Partition
- Mountbatten saw Partition as the only solution to the Hindu-Muslim divide
- Rioting in the Punjab (Muslim majority but governed by an alliance of Hindus, Sikhs & non-League Muslims)
- Gandhi realised his dream of a united independent India was ruined
- Indian subcontinent partitioned into India & Pakistan. East Pakistan later gained independence & became Bangladesh
- Lots of disputes regarding the boundary
- Princely states forced to accede to either India or Pakistan
- British property divided between India & Pakistan
- Desparate & violent scramble for Indians to reach the "right" side of the border. 1 million killed in the process
- British military evacuated
- Mountbatten became Governor-General of India
- Jinnah became Governor-General of Pakistan
- Gandhi left for Bengal
- Indian & pakistani constitutions based on the 1935 Government of india Act
- IAS took over from the ICS
- Major displacement caused by partition
- January 1948: Gandhi assassinated
- Divisions between Hindi-speaking Muslims in Bengal & Urdu-speakers in Pakistan
- 1951: Pakistan's 1st PM, Liaquat Ali Khan, assassinated
- Conflicts between Pakistan & India over Kashmir
- Both pakistan & India later became republics
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