Inspiration - Diaphragm and External intercostal muscles
Inspiration (during excerise) - Diaphragm, External intercostal muscles, SCM, pectorialis minor.
Expiration - Diaphragm and External intercoastal muscles just relax.
Expiration (during excerise) - Internal intercoastals and abdominals.
Tidal volume - volume breathed in or out per breath (inc. during excerise)
Inspiratory reserve volume - volume of air that can be forcibly inspired after a normal breath (dec. during excerise)
Expiratory reserve volume - volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a normal breath (dec. during excerise)
Residual volume - air that remains in lungs after maximum expiration (stays same).
Minute ventiallation - volume breathed in or out in per min ( huge increase during excerise).
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