The Nature and Value of Human Life 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Olivia Grace MatthewsCreated on: 16-06-15 17:57 Genesis 1:26-28 Nature Imago Dei = Image of God. We develop into his likeness (Iraneus) We have human dignity and we are set apart. We have dominion over animals on the earth Our nature is to reproduce - 'Be fruitful and multiply'. Value Worth more than animals because we are made in the image of God 1 of 10 Genesis 2 Nature Created by God, we were meant to be perfect but we are not completely perfect Value We must be valuable because God is caring for us 2 of 10 Genesis 3 Nature Work for what we want eg. food Women now suffer in childbirth 'To dust you shall return'. We are punished 3 of 10 Genesis 22 Nature Story of Abraham and Isaac = we fear God Faith in God Value He values them if they have faith and believe in him 4 of 10 Humanism Nature Our personality is a function of biological organism transacting in a social and cultural context. Ethical decisions are based on reason, empathy and concern. All knowledge comes from the senses. Value Don't believe in a spiritual world Don't believe in evidence that life survive the death 5 of 10 Jeremy Bentham Nature We naturally base morality on the principle of utility = The greatest good for the greatesr number Idea of relation is a fictitious entity by its necessary for convenience Natural Rights are nonsense Value 'Self regarding interest is predominant over social interest'. Individual should be given equal consideration 'Every individual in the country counts for one, no more'. 6 of 10 John Stuart Mill Nature Rejects Bentham's view of humans being driven by self interest Desire for perfection and sympathy People themselves are capable of improvements Value We have a desire of perfection. Sympathy towards other humans = we value other humans. 7 of 10 Dawkins Nature Our aim is to reproduce and we are merely carriers of DNA We have no soul We should only believe in empirical things Value We are valuable for passing on successful genes and ensuring the continuation of humanity No bigger purpose in life 8 of 10 Skinner Nature Humans are evolved animals and we aren't free = conditioned by external environment No interstate like soul or mind, but series of causes and effects governed by environment. Value Because we are just causes and effects we are de-valued. 9 of 10 Singer Nature Pain we feel is equal Capacity to experience and feel pain Capable of anticipating future and having wants and desires Value Humans and animals are equal although humans have more to lose than animals We are more valuable as there would be greater sense of grief and distress at death Value depends on quality 10 of 10
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