Popular discontent with the Weimar governmet and economic instability created an opportunity for extremist parties to grow. The KPD 9the communist Party of Germany) increased in influence.
1. The KPD was founded in December 1918 and wanted a workers' revolution. The communists promised to represent workers' needs and make German society more fair.
2. This helped them gain a lot of support from unemployed Germans during times of economic crisis.
3. When the Depression hit Germany in 1929, the KPD competed with the Nazi Party for the support of Germans who had been hit hard by the economic crisis.
4. Between 1928 and 32, membership of the KPD grew from 130,000 to almost 300,000. However, Nazi Party membership grew even more rapidly - soon the KPD got left behind.
Between 1928 and 32 the Nazi Party pulled ahead of the KPD. The Nazis became the biggest party in the Reichstag. Between July and November 1932, the Nazi Party lost votes, but was still very popular. The SPD lost support in every federal election.
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