- "I saw a thousand, hungry, lean, scared" - list of 4 - emphasis poverty is widespread problem - invokes pathos through emotive language
- "like a ghost town" - death abundance; inhumane conditions
- "ghoulish""on the hunt" - disgusted by his own kind; journalists = predators
- "but it is just a fact of life" - normalising suffering
- "no rage, no whimpering" - common
- "simple, frictionless, motionless" - tricolon; sibilance - shows quiet/simple death
- "smell it in the putrid air" - olfactory imagery
- "smile" repitition - catalyst for emotional engagement and action
- "the journalist and his subjects" - suggests journalists are superior
- rhetorical questions to challenge media
- "power"purpose" - strong impact; catalyst for action
- last para - moral compass involved
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