English Language


The Danger of a Single Story

- "I'm a storyteller" - stories = central theme, short; emphatic opening

- para 3 - humour about Britain - connect with audience

- para 2 - powerful sentence to conclude para

- para 5 - repetition of three examples to show extent of the change 

": it saved me from having a single story of what books are" - colon before a significant point - challenges African stereotypes - "conventional, middle-class nigerian family

- "then" - para 8 - discource marker signifies change in attitude

"she assumed that i did not know how to use a stove" - makes her sound stupid; one sentence paragraph for emphasis; tonal shift

- "no possibility" x3 - uses tricolon to show extent of prejudice

- list in para 12 - emphasis many stereotypes

- "I too am just as guilty" - honest - audience trusts her more - everyone easily susceptible

- para 15 = key message

 - "stories matter" - short sentence = impactful message

 - final para - ":" - colon shows that final point is important

- powerful ending; vision/hope for change

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A Passage to Africa

 - "I saw a thousand, hungry, lean, scared" - list of 4 - emphasis poverty is widespread problem - invokes pathos through emotive language

 - "like a ghost town" - death abundance; inhumane conditions

 - "ghoulish""on the hunt" - disgusted by his own kind; journalists = predators

- "but it is just a fact of life" - normalising suffering

- "no rage, no whimpering" - common

 - "simple, frictionless, motionless" - tricolon; sibilance - shows quiet/simple death

- "smell it in the putrid air" - olfactory imagery

- "smile" repitition - catalyst for emotional engagement and action

 - "the journalist and his subjects" - suggests journalists are superior

- rhetorical questions to challenge media

- "power"purpose" - strong impact; catalyst for action 

- last para - moral compass involved

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The Explorer's Daughter

- "narwhal catching the light in a spectral play of colour" - ghost - magical; metaphor

- "methodically passing each other" - intelligent

- "glittering kingdom" - royal, majestic

-" every hunter was on the water" - short sentence creates suspense/ tension

- "hunters spread out like a net around the sound" - simile

-"that...was why" - builds tension - elipses 

- "to dive, to leave, to survive" - 3 infinitive verbs

-last para - negative facts

-"only one" = intensifier

-"hunting is still absolutely necessary in Thule" - short sentence = final thought - "necessity" = qualifier

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- Dear (name or title)

- intro para

- 3-4 points/paras

- summary of points and what you want to happen

- yours faithfully (no name) 

- yours sincerely (name)

- full name

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