The Beatles-Revolver 0.0 / 5 ? MusicSet WorksA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Hannah.SpencerCreated on: 22-03-21 11:49 Introduction The Beatles began in 1960 Their producer was George Martin The album was studio-based which enabled the incorporation of experimental effects such as double-tracking, looping, etc There was a presence of 'psychedelic and Avant-garde techniques Unconventional love songs Based upon blues music Members included: George Harrison Paul McCartney Ringo Starr John Lennon Album was released in 1966 1 of 8 Wider Listening Pyscho influenced strings And Dream of Sheep-Kate Bush-Homophonic Tommy-The Who-sustained chords and developed drum patterns Sound of Silence-Simon and Garfunkel-A minor Kate Bush-Melody dominated homophony Vaughan Williams-scotch snaps (for influence) In my Life-Generic Beatles song in comparison to Tomorrow Never Knows Carole King-Tapestry-Out of the ordinary, more experimental with techniques 2 of 8 Melody Eleanor Rigby Lydian mode implied (bar 1), Dorian mode (bar 10), aeolian mode (bar 13) triadic descends Avoids 6th and 7th degree of the scale octave leaps (bar 20), a leap of a minor 10th (bar 24), close on the middle (Bar25) chromatic descends on strings Here, There and Everywhere syllabic word setting broken triads in the intro the range is wide (a 9th) conjuncts movt with leaps Tomorrow never knows flattened thirds I want to tell you begins with a guitar riff melisma dislocated phrases of varying length 3 of 8 Harmony and Tonality Eleanor Rigby Built on two chords: E minor and C major A minor chords (bar 61) slow harmonic rhythm E minor is the key Here, There and Everywhere Plagal cadence at close false relation dissonant E mostly in G major Tomorrow never knows Broken chords Moves between Bb major and C major I want to tell you A limited number of chords (A, B7, E7, A) Dissonance E minor 9ths Key is mostly A major 4 of 8 Structure Eleanor Rigby strophic form with three verses each verse consists of three lines with a loose rhyme scheme Here, There and Everywhere verse-chorus with a coda at the end Tomorrow never knows Strophic form I want to tell you Strophic form/verse-chorus 5 of 8 Instrumentation Eleanor Rigby Doubled string quartet Staccato figures vocal harmonies with the line double a 3rd below McCartney sang the verses Here, There and Everywhere sung by McCartney piano, vocal, three-part backing vocals, mandolin, bass and acoustic guitar Tomorrow never knows Sitar double tracking ie McCartney's laugh (seagull) I want to tell you double tracked includes tambourine and maracas 6 of 8 Texture Eleanor Rigby homophonic frequently varied: contrapuntal and cello doubles vocal lines Here, There and Everywhere melody dominated homophony Guitar alternates between block chords and broken chords Three-part supporting ovcals Tomorrow never knows solo voice supported by a drone electronic polyphony I want to tell you melody dominated homophony 7 of 8 Rhythm and Metre Eleanor Rigby sustained notes syncopation (bars 2, 9-11, 20-21) repeated crotchets (Bars 3-4) Here, There and Everywhere scotch snaps (bar 13) steady pulse notes carried over (Bar 5) Tomorrow never knows Syncopation dotted rhythm and scotch snaps triplet quavers I want to tell you Syncopation in vocal parts 8 of 8
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