The Beatles 'Revolver': Eleanor Rigby 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicDeveloping Musical UnderstandingA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: carlosvalero772Created on: 09-03-18 11:27 Context - The Beatles were a British rock bad who changed the face of pop music in the 1960's - They developed avant-garde techniques suchas musique concrete and recording techniques - 'Revolver' featured studio experimentation and a range of influences 1 of 6 Structure - An 8 bar intro - Three verses and an outro - Each verse is followed by a 8 bar refrain - Outro combines elements from the intro and the refrain 2 of 6 Harmony - C and E minor are the only two chords in the song - Slow harmonic rhythm - Descending chromatic viola part adds dissonance during the refrain 3 of 6 Melody - Vocals are diatonic and use the Dorian mode - Backing vocals are Aeolian (Flat 6th) - Melody mainly conjuct - Octave leap and rising tenth in the refrain - "Where do they all belong?" 4 of 6 Rhythm - Repeated chrotchets in the strings - Vocals use syncopation and continous quavers 5 of 6 Performance forces & Texture - Uses a string quartet, which was unusal for a pop song - Occasional divisi and double stopping in the strings - Strings generally play block chords - Cello doubles the voice in the last verse - Strings also play fills between the vocal lines 6 of 6
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