Discourse - the study of spoken language
Mode - the mode of how a text is presented, e.g. written or spoken or multi-modal
Vocabulary - the amount of words available to an individual
Paralinguistic features - 'beyond language', things that aid communication but don't constitute language, e.g. body language, facial expressions, laughter, sighs
Prosodic features - the 'sound effects' of spoken language, e.g. stress, intonation, pitch
Stress - the emphasis placed on certain words through volume, significant pauses, or inflexion
Intonation - the rise and fall of an individual's natural speaking voice, e.g. variation or 'tune'
Pitch - the rise or fall of the voice, e.g. high = squeaky, low = deep
Turn taking - co-ordinated co-operation between two or more participants in a conversation
Adjacency pair - a moment in turn taking where one utterance constrains the response, e.g. Q&A
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