Article 3: The judicial power of the US shall be vested in one SC and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain or establish
Set to be the guardian of the sovereign, entrenched document continint the USAs findamental law and core values
Today the court plays a very different role from that envisages in 1787 + debate oftern revolves around whether it is now seen as political aswell. Has the power of constitutional interpretation of the vague language. Resolves conflicts that arise over constitutional workings or the branches and layers of American government and over the protection of the rights in the Bill of Rights
By convention they have the power of judicial review, discovered in Marbury V Madison 1803.
Untill 1865 cases coming before the court involved issues relating to federal-state relations and slavery; eg) Dred Scott V Sandford in 1857 conclduing slavery was constitutional.
From 1870s to 1940s cases realtedmore to state regulation of the economy. With economic issues largerly settles the emphasis then shifted to civil liberties and civil rights cases msinly by Warren + Burger courts
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