Most research focused on personality, short-term effects, cross-sectional
Post-traumatic growth: Group cohesion, growth in personal mastery, new strength/skills
Bonanno et al, 2010: Some have only minimal psychological cost
- 1yr after terrorist attack - only 14% had PTSD
Consequences of being scared: a. Make people more cynical b. Lead to risky behaviours
c. Changes relationships with others
Intimacy: Fung & Cartensen, 2006: Short-term support and benevolence, back to normal 4 months
Post-disaster communities (Kaniasty & Norris, 2009): Initially work well, then go bitter, factors:
1. Complexity in mobilising help 2. Victims experience of helpers 3. Disruption of activities and social life 4. Disappointment regarding aid 5. Tiring weight of events
Secondary victimisation = Difficult for those already marginalised
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