Stalin's Russia: Building socialism in the countryside
AS edexcel history: Stalin's Russia
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- Created by: Vicky
- Created on: 09-04-13 16:46
What was collectivisation
- Process to reform Russian agriculture
- Traditionally, peasants worked on small farms with limited technology
- Stalin planed to merge all small farms into larger 'collective' farms.
- These new farms would share labour and resources to operate more efficiently
- State-provided tractors & fertilisers would modernise production making operations more efficient
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Why collectivise
Economic factors
- Harvests of 1927-29 were poor compared to levels of 1926.
- Poor harvests forced prices up, standard of living amongst urban workers declined
- since 1921, government sold grain surplus abroad to gain money for resources for industrialisation. no grain surpluses = no money to build industry
- Large farms increase efficiency, collecivisation accompanied by mechanisation
- greater efficiency = fewer people needed to work on farms = more people for developing industry.
- Promised significant increase in production, allowing government to see more overseas, providing more resources for industrialisation
Ideological factors
- Peasants attitudes remained conventional, lack of revolutionary spirit, produced grain for own benefit - profit
- Collectivisation essential if capitalist peasants were to embrace socialism
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Why collectivise 2
Political factors
- Help remove Bukharin & right wing as collectivisation appealled to left wing
- More appealing than right wing alternative, importing grain, slow down industrilisation
- However, Stalin knew little about agriculture
- Believed agriculture could be transfromed by will & strong leadership
- Peasants who refused to cooperate were essentially terrorists, enemies of the people, shown know mercy
The Grain Procurement Crisis, 1927-1929
- Under NEP, government bought grain from peasants on free market
- Poor harvests, 1927 onwards, pushed up price of grain
- Kulaks withheld grain from the market to increas prices more
- Sescribed it as 'kulak Grain Strike' used as excuse to restart grain requisitioning.
- Grain Strike illustrated peasants could essentially hold government to ransom, slow down industrialisation
- Showed peasant ideology was capitalist, conflicted with government
- Stalin used crisis as evidence of NEP failure - undermined Bukharin's position on right of the party
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The course of collecivisation
- Moved towards collectivisation in stages
- Stalin had no grand plan
Emergency measures
- Following Grain Procurment Crisis Stalin increased power of government over economy - introduced rationing in cities 1928-1929; end 1928, reintrodiced grain requsitioning
- Article 107, grain hoarding could be punished
- Poorer peasants given land that belonged to kulaks if they informed on richer neighbours - Created huge resentment among peasants
- Bukharin persuaded party to abandon policy. Stalin's power grew, policy was restarted.
- Spring 1929, government started requisitioning meat, middle of same year, revised Article 61, gave police powers to send kulaks to labour capms for up to 2 years.
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Course of collectivisation 2
Liquidation of the kulaks
- Stalin 'Liquidate the kulaks as a class' significant for two reasons:
- - 'Dekuakisation' marked end of capitalism & independent farming in countryside
- - Increased speed of collectivisation
- Proposed 30% farms collectivised by 1934
- Call to liquidate kulaks entailed immediate collectivisation of all farming
- Peasants would pool their resources, be able to use kulaks resources, share a greater harvest
- majority of peasants rebelled destroying livestock and grain. 18 million horses and 100 million sheep & goats destroyed 1929-1933. Kualks destroyed machinery.
- Stalin issued a decree sending 25,000 'socially conscious' industrial workers to the countryside to stop refusal of implementation of collectivisation
- Suppose to offer technical help and support for the machinery, reality, found grain hoards, confiscated them, enforced 'dekulakisation', force remailing peasants into collective farms.
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Course of collectivisation 3
'Dizzy with success
- High human suffering, majority of kulaks either shot or exiled to Siberia, forced onto labour camps run by secret police 10,000s died of disease & hunger
- Led to slaughter of livestock, destroyed tractors, burning of crops
- Created hostility towards government, Stalin forced to stop process March, 1930
- Claimed local officials were overenthusiastic, argued targets met, suspended programme
- March, 1930, approx. 50% farms had been collectivised; by August, many peasants gone back to own farms. end of year only 25% farms were collectivised
- Collectivasition, resumed in 1931 led to a famine, 10 million died
- Issued rediculious targets - failure to meet them considered sabotage
- Grain was confiscated by Red Army & secret police, peasants were shot or exiled.
- Military checkpoints set up, stopped food entering Ukraine, trains had to shut windows, stop food falling out.
- Grain was taken to cities or exported, most of grain rotted in barns yet peasants in nearby villages starved
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The consequences of collectivisation
- Failed to bring socialism and economic efficiency to the countryside
- However, it strengthened Stalins position politically
The effect on rural areas
- Between 9.5-10 million peasants died - dekulakisation
- 1929, 150,000 kulak families sent to Siberia. 1930, figure rose 240,000; 1931, 285,000
- Some cases 10% peasants in villages were exiled
- Peasants that remained on farms endured hardship. Barely coved cost of production
- Created resentment and anger towards government
- Peasants didnt own land anymore so there was no insentive to work hard, little reward for their labour, productivity in rural areas fell as a result
- Peasants who were hardestest working & most experienced were generally exiled
- 1933 harvest, 9 million tonnes less than 1926 harvest; no. of livestock halved & no. of pigs dropped 65% between 1928 &1932
- Central Committee set up Machine Tractor Stations, 1930, very expensive, many couldn't afford it. End 1932, 75,000 tractors & 2,500 MTSs across Russia. 50% farms left out of network
- 1930, 25% peasant household collectivised, by 191, all farms were collectivised
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The consequences of collectivisation 2
Industrialisation and urbanisation
- One main aim was to provide more grain for exportation - gain funds for industrialisation
- Amount of grain produced fell howerver:
- Amount of grain procurred increased - 1928, 11 million tonnes; 1929, 16 million tonnes; 1933, 23 million tonnes
- Amount of grain exported increased - 1928, 0.03 million tonnes; 1931, 5 million tonnes
- Wages in cites halved 1928-1932
- Amount of meat consumed by urban workers fell 2/3 1928-1932
- Government blamed 'kulak spirit' for poor harvests
- Agricultural policy played a part in urbanisation - 1928, 28% citizens working class, 50% by 1939. 1922, 22 million people living in cities, 1940, 63 million
Political consequences
- Chaos united party behind Stalin, blamed kulaks & peasants
- Left wing viewed hard line against peasants as returning to traditions of civil war
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