Sports psychology
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- Created by: Hbrandxx
- Created on: 21-05-17 11:25
Individual differences: Personality
- Personality is the sum total of an individuals characteristics which make a human unique.
- Narrow band theory splits personalities into two types- A and B.
- Type A- highly competitivity, works fast, strong desire to succeed, likes control, stressed.
- Type B- non competitive, works slower, lacks desire to succeed, tolerant, less prone to stress.
- Can help coach be more aware of a player's anxiety and suggest trategies.
- Knowing about anxiety can lead performer to seek help with state anxiety during sports.
Stable and unstable personality traits:
- Trait approach- personality is made up of stable/unstable traits.
- Stable- unchangeable, constant, predictable (e.g. calmness/stressed in most situations).
- Unstable- changeable, unpredictable (e.g. emotionally aggressive but agression varies).
- If an individual shows unstable emotional characteristics= neurotic behaviour.
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Individual differences: Personality
- Affiliate well to other people
- Outgoing, gregarious and social
- Become aroused more slowly the extroverts
- Low sensitivity of the reticular activating system (low levels of arousal).
- Shy and reserved.
- Prefer isolation from others.
- Become aroused more quickly than introverts.
- High sensitivity of the reticular activating system (naturally high levels of arousal).
Reticular activating system (RAS):
- Introverts more easily aroused due to the sensitivity of the RAS in the brain= greater likelihood that with increased stimulation the introvert will become over aroused.
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Individual differences: Personality
Social learning and personality:
- Idea that personality changes with the situation + environment; B = F (E)
- Explains why we are like those significant to us, we adopt their personality (role models/family members).
Interactionist approach to personality:
- Idea that both trait and social learning mould personality; B=F (P+E)
- Traits interact with environmental factors and affect our personalities/behaviour.
- Explains why personalities change; shy off court but loud during a game situation.
Hollanders theory:
- Inner psychological core- unaffected by environment (basic beliefs and values).
- Middle layer- typical response to certain situations.
- Outer layer- role related behaviours (behaviour varies depending on circumstances).
- Around outer layer is the social environment which affects our role-related behaviours.
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Individual differences: Personality
Profile of mood states (POMS):
- The diagram measures the moods of: tension, depression, anger, vigour, fatigue, confusion.
- Measures the moods of elite athletes and unsuccessful sports people.
- Unsuccessful people have moods that are fairly consistent (flat profile).
- Successful people have all moods, but anger and vigour, at lower levels.
- Score on vigour are significantly higher= iceberg profile.
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Individual differences: Personality
- Normally directed towards a certain situation= predisposition to act in a certain way towards some aspect of a person's environment, including other people.
- Attitudes are learned rather than innate and tend to be judgemental.
- If an attitude is based on false info, becomes prejudice (preconceived opinion).
- Components of attitude (triadic model): beliefs, emotions and behaviour.
- Beliefs (cognitive element) formed by past experiences, learnt by others.
- Emotions (affective element) depend on past experiences which influence our likes/dislikes.
- Behaviour (behavioural element) isn't always consistent with our attitude, e.g. we believe that exercise is good for us but we don't exercise very much.
- All elements must be consistent for attitude to be stable; interdependance.
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Individual differences: Personality
Attitudes and behaviour:
- Prejudice can affect behaviour.
- Prejudice is a prejudgement; someone evaluates a situation without receving adequate info.
- Prejudice seen in crowd behaviour at matches; pressure for conformity.
Methods of changing attitudes:
- Persuasive communication efffectiveness depends: the persuader, quality of the message and characteristics of who is being persuaded.
- Persuader must be of high status, e.g. coach or teacher (promote exercise to non-exercisers).
- Message must make sense and be believable; info must be accurate and clear.
- People your persuading must be clever enough to understand the message, may not accept it.
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Individual differences: Personality
Attitudes associated with physical education and sport:
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