Spies Revision Cards
4.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings
- Created by: Alicia
- Created on: 25-10-13 23:13
- Central protagonist's both boy & older Stephen
- There's dislocation between identities
- By returning to his German name he marks division between his adult & childhood selves
- This is underlined by his unwillingness to recognise aspects of his childhood self
- Refers to himself as 'heir to Stephen's thoughts'
- Stefan has less insight into his earlier motivations
- He renounces this role by referring to his younger self in 3rd person
- He struggles to remember what Stephen thought about what happened
- He even says he wouldn't recognise humself in photos if it weren't for name on back
- It's more as if he were observing seperate person than remembering his own youth
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- Narrator's elderly man
- We find out what has happened to him in later life
- Dissatisfied with marriage 'was never quite real marriage'
- Moved to dull sounding job writing technical translations of mechanical installation manuals
- These jobs - chosen by Frayn to sound unispiring
- Polytechnic doesn't have intellectual kudos of uni
- His job as translator suggests he's attentive to detail
- Translator also needs v. good command of 2 languages
- It makes it ironic choice of career
- Technical translator performs useful role
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- Portrayed sympathetically
- Much humour in way he shows himself at time
- Refers to himself as 'undersized boy with teapot ears'
- His physical appearance led to him being teased
- Sees troubles with sense of perspective
- Father says to him 'you've got worse troubles than anyone's ever had before'
- Constantly held back
- His fear's 1st characteristic we see
- 'I'm child again & everythings before me'
- Checked by Keith's disapproval
- Strict ideas of social propiety hold him in check
- Terrified of looking foolish
- Rarely gives full reign to his feelings
- Natural response to difficulty of any type's to black it out
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- Interaction between Stephen & Keith provides much of dynamic of novel
- Unpleasant novel
- Shows off
- Tries to impress Stephen with his exaggerated claims
- Enjoys appearing superior to Stephen
- His playroom's something of treature trove
- Caned by his father for minor infringements of family's strict regulation
- Typical study of bullied children
- Relishes exercising power over Stephen
- Neither bright nor popular
- At private prep school
- Uses Stephen to boost his confidence
- Manipulates Stephen into looking foolish
- Can't be impressed by anything Stephen achieves
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- Appears even-tempered
- Does little all day
- Perfect exterior disguises fear
- Maintains appearance of calm even under extreme duress
- Must have known likely consequences of Mr Haywards discovery
- Remains closed book
- Stephen's feeling about her - confused
- Sees her as adult
- Can't cope when her actions cross invisible boundaries of adulthood & childhood
- His inclination to turn away make it difficult to garner info about her
- Her diary reveals nothing except day-to-day routine
- She's careful
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- Minor character
- Talkative
- Can be manipulative
- Taunts Stephen with her superior knowledge of what adults get up to
- Sometimes spiteful
- Behaviour falls within normal range of childish competitiveness & teasing
- Open
- Confident enough to admit she's not smoked
- Shares info about her friendship
- Father's away fighting in war
- Comes to represent to Stephen chaotic wildness, full of promise
- Counterpoint to Keith
- Stephen softens to her
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- Mother. father & brother feature in narrative set during WW2
- Stefan's been married twice
- Mr Wheatley's quietly affectionate
- His response to Stephen's injury's gentle
- Seems dull to Stephen
- Succeeds in giving Stephen ordinary childhood
- Stephen's mother's rather caricature
- She defers to Stephen's father
- Couple & Geoff form 'unsatisfactory family'
- Seems to Stephen 'there's something so hopelessly ordinary about her it's difficult to take account of her existence'
- No overlap between Stephen's family in past & present
- Stefan's family consists of son, daughter & grandchildren
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- 'Absent presence'
- Idealised
- Iconic status reflects on Auntie Dee
- Dependent on Mrs Hayward
- Distinguished as individual by his professed love for 'Bobs'
- Uses understatement when describing his plight
- Unable to bring himself to nlame his wife
- Desperate wish to leave something for Bob's painful to read
- Can't anything that'll be meanigful
- Could be tragic hero
- His passing goes undiscussed
- Auntie Dee moves away
- All trace of Peters expunged
- Can't be sure how he dies
- Always present but not always recognised
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- Never real presence in novel
- Essence of 'auntness' in Stephen's view
- Her & Milly - counterpoint to strict family of her sister
- Presumably unaware of any relationship her sister & her husband may be having
- Narrator tells us sisters fell out
- Largely functional role in novel
- Provides excuse for Mrs Hayward to go up road all time
- Involved with Mrs Haryward in sending supplies to Peter at Barn
- Basks in war hero's reflected glory
- Apparently still loves her husband as she has been seen kissing him
- Atmosphere's relaxed at her house
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- WW2 forms backdrop to Spies
- Provides framework in which action takes place
- Stephen drops references to propaganda of duty
- V. dark at night
- Food scraps - collected in buckets for pigs
- Building in area's stopped until after war
- Stefan recalls vapour across sky
- Neither Stephen nor Keith has parent working in armed forces
- War's source of excitement
- Keith creates image of his father as great hero of WW1
- He exaggerates his fathers involvement in Home Guard as being part of Secret Service
- It's something else to be included in their games
- Don't really think about war
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- Gulf between adulthood & childhood difficult
- For Stepehn adults may as well be different species
- He finds it inconcievable adults surrounding him were once children with same worries as he has
- He finds it impossible to imagine Auntie Dee & Mrs Hayward as sisters
- Idea sisters stay sisters when they grown up's almost incomprehensible to him
- While Stephen's just beginning to enter adolesence Geoff's token of fully fledged adolesence
- He's preoccupied with girls
- He's understood by both children & adults
- Stephen's beginning to undergo process of changing into afult
- Noticeable changes takes place in him
- Finds himself entranced by Barbara
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- Narration of Spies is prompted by unsolicited memory
- Smell of privet's trigger which leads Stefan to revisit scene of childhood to work out why scent's so evocative for him
- Sense memories - vivid throughout novel
- He vividly recreates delights of tea at Keiths house
- Many vivid details like this help to recreate sense so we can feel it as keenly as Stepehn did
- These recalled details cover all 5 senses
- Stephen pieces together memories as though - parts of jigsaw puzzle
- Pins down events to early summer - apple blossom
- Stumbles over things he's forgotten
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- Driving force action of Spies
- Orignial premise Mrs Hayward's spy's acknowledged by Stephen as imaginative construct which 2 boys choose to act upon as just latest in string of adventures
- Does accept words could show intuition
- Idea Mrs Hayward's spy was effectively invention around which another adventure could be constructed
- Game of watching Mrs Hayward would be harmless enough
- Both Keith & Stephen have active imagination
- Keith comes up with schemes - make him look clever
- Imagined realities - terrifying for Stephen
- Most frightening's image of himself in his coffun
- Imagines German airman collapsing with his parachute
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- Knowledge's power in Spies
- Stephen unwittingly gains power over Mrs Hayward by knowledge he garners from his spying activing
- He's embarrassed by reversal this creates since he leans heavily on social order to give him sense of security
- Knowledge gives Barbara power over Stephen
- Her knowledge's superior to Stephen's on many topics including sexual activity
- It's all more humiliating to Stephen - she's girl
- He pretends to know things he doesn't in order not to let too much power slip away from him
- Keith manipulates Stephen by leading him to think khe knows more than Keith does
- This is another of his methids of keeping Stephen cowed
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- Privet's evergreen shrub which bears clusters of small white flowers in late june
- London bombing begain in summer of 1940 & was over by summer of 1941
- Date & location not specified
- Like Keith's house many houses had air raid shelters in their gardens during WW2
- Mrs Emsley's presence's indication Keiths household wealthier
- 'Careless talk' refers to series of propaganda posters put up around Britain durin WW2
- Keith's & Stephen's parents would have lived through 2 wars
- '2 & 4p' means 2s & 4p
- Pog pails were encouraged by Ministry of food advertisement
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- Social propiety was more concern in 1940s than it's in modern Britain
- People were encouraged to 'know their place'
- People from working families would be unlikely to go to uni
- Ambition was consequently limited for most people
- There was no universal free healthcare
- Wealth was measure of person's success
- Hierarchy of children in close reflects this strict zoning of society
- Stephen comments his family occupied 1 only pair of semi-detatched houses
- To live in detached house was one of most respectable
- Terraced house was less respectable
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