Specialised training
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- Created by: z_mills1
- Created on: 15-05-15 12:23
PNF stretching
- Can be passive/active -> usually involves partner helping
- Stretch target muscles to limit/full range of movement/ROM
- Hold (stretched) position for a few seconds
- Contract muscle group isometrically
- Muscles relax
- Stretch target muscles again
- CRAC (contract/relax/antagonist/contract)
Physiological explanation (during stretching)
- Muscle spindles detect changes in muscle fibres -> cause stretch reflex
- Designed to prevent overstretching/protective
- Aim of PNF -> to override the stretch reflex
- Golgi Tendon organs(GTO) activated/detect overstretching of muscles
- (causes) Muscles relax/autogenic inhibition
- Allows greater range of movement than the initial stretch/greater range of movement in the training session
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- Description of activity – hopping/bounding/ depth jumping
- Aim – develop power/speed/explosive strength
- Involves Fast Twitch Fibres
- Eccentric muscle contraction happens first -> followed by concentric contraction
- A muscle that is eccentrically stretched before a concentric contraction will contract more forcefully and more rapidly
- Stretch Reflex activated -> increases the activity in the muscle undergoing the stretch, allowing it to act much more forcefully
- Tendency to overstretch is detected by the muscle spindles
- Sends nerve impulse to spinal cord/CNS
- Elastic energy stored
- Protects over stretching of muscles/avoidinjury
- Three phases -> pre-stretch/eccentric contraction, amortisation, actual muscle contraction (concentric)
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Altitude training
Explanation of altitude training
- Over 2000m/8000 feet above sea level
- Usually for at least 30 days 3 phases named – acclimatisation, primary training, recovery
- Partial pressure of oxygen is lower/less oxygen available
- Body produces erythropoietin/EPO/hEPO
- Alternative methods now available, eg hypoxic tents/altitude tents/oxygen tents
Improves Performance -> Benefits last for up to 6 to 8 weeks
- Increased number/concentration/red blood cells
- Increased concentration of haemoglobin/myoglobin/increased haematocrit
- Increased capacity to carry oxygen
- Increased tolerance to lactic acid/buffering/delayed OBLA
Hinders performance
- Altitude sickness
- Training at same intensity difficult/detraining may occur/loss of fitness
- Benefits lost within few days back at sea level/up to few days
- Psychological problems linked to travel/time away from home
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Glycogen loading
- Aim to increase (muscle) glycogen stores/ supercompensation
- Delays fatigue/increases endurance capacity/ increased ATP/energy production/hitting the wall
Method 1
- Reduce glycogen levels
- Achieved by increased endurance training
- Following three days of low carbohydrate diet
- And tapering/reduction in training levels
- Few days before competition high carbohydrate level diet e.g. pasta
- Trained/elite athletes may rest for several days before eating high carbohydrate diet
- Increased water consumption helps the process
Method 2
- Day before - 3 minute high intensity exercise
- Carb window opens
- Immediately/within 20 minutes intake high carbohydrate diet
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- Explanation - dividing the year into training phases/blocks/cycles
- Cycle based on World Championships/Olympics
- Preparation phase/pre-season training – involves development of base levels of fitness/general
- Conditioning/quantity rather than quality
- Competitive/competition phase/season – refinement of skills/maintenance of fitness levels/quality rather than quantity/relevant examples of training modifications
- Tapering -> decrease in intensity of training
- Peaking -> preparation for specific competition/mainly skill focus -> mind + body in optimal state
- Transition phase – active rest/out of season recovery period
- Macro-cycles – long term planning/yearly/two yearly cycle
- Meso-cycles – periods of two to eight weeks/months
- Micro-cycles – periods of a week/day/individual training sessions.
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- Thermoreceptors – detect temperature changes and send messages
- Thermoregulatory centre in hypothalamus – receives messages/controls temperature
- Vasodilation – opening of blood vessels/blood closer to skin
- Radiation – heat lost by infrared rays/no physical contact needed
- Conduction – heat lost from (skin) to object/air
- Convection – heat lost by movement of gases/air
- Evaporation – heat lost by liquid to vapour/sweating
- Heat retention – hairs raised/shivering/piloerection
- Vasoconstriction – closing of blood vessels/skin capillaries
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Lactate sampling and Respiratory exchange ratio
Lactate sampling – taking blood samples (to measure the level of lactic acid)
- Ensures training is at the correct intensity/monitor improvements over time
- Provides accurate/objective measure
- Measures OBLA/lactate threshold/occurs at 4 mmols Sub max of 2 marks
Respiratory Exchange Ratio – ratio of carbon dioxide released compared to oxygen used by the body
- Estimates use of fats and carbohydrates used during exercise/ calculates energy expenditure
- Tells if performer working aerobically/anaerobically/energy system used
- RER close to 1 performer using carbohydrates/close to 0.7 using fats/respiratory quotient
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