


Norm= an expected pattern of behaviour
Role= a part we play in society
Role conflict= a person who plays more than one role and they clash

Stereotype= a mental image we have of a group of people
Role model= a person we look up to in society, a person who inspires people
Culture= a way of life for a group of people including values! beliefs and behaviour

Subculture= a culture within a culture
Socialisation= process of learning to fit into society
Primary socialisation= first stage of this process 0-5 yrs usually taught by their families

Secondary socialisation= second stage of this process 5+ yrs taught by media, friends, etc..
Gender=the expected behaviour for male and female by society
Peer group= your group of friends, similar age! similar interests, and similar status

Agents of socialisation= group that teach people to fit In
Social control-formal= job and intention to control your behaviour
Social control informal= control your behaviour but it's not their main purpose

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Unit 1

Nature= hair colour, eye colour, height, foot size,
Nurture= emotions,attitude/behaviour, personality,

Objective= factual,proven, can be backed up with evidence
Subjective= based up on opinion,Can be sometimes view point, others may disagree with it

Direct observation= watch people and gather information, can be difficult to get all information, non participant

Participant observation= join the group and take part in their activities, very time consuming

Covert= not telling them you are watching them
Overt= telling them you are watching them (open)

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Unit 1 terms

Sampling frame= the source from which a sample is drawn
Random sample= everyone has an equal chance of being chosen
Strata/stratified sample= taking a sample out of each group out of a big group to generate more data

Snowball sample= a non random sample where a researcher makes contact with one relevant respondent and then asks them to put them into contact with further respondents
Systematic sample= selecting every nth name from the sampling frame!so not random

Volunteer= people who give up their time to help people
Opportunity= an easy chance to do something
Generalisation= results from a study can be applied to the whole of the research populations

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Unit 2 the family

Functions of a family= emotional support-love,care,affection
= financial support-practical help
= socialisation- learning to fit in
= provide food and shelter
= protection
= reproduction
= personal development-advice

Emotional support= to make the child feel loved and wanted

Financial support= to be able to by your child things to support them

Socialisation= to teach them to fit in

Provide food and shelter= to provide care and support sand help their health

Reproduction= to ensure that we have future generations

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Types of family

Extended family= a family consisting of 3 generations or more
Classical = And live close together and have regular contact
Nuclear= a family consisting of 2 generations
Beanpole= a family consisting of many generation and fewer children
Symmetrical= the man and women do the same roles (shared)
Cereal packet family= a ideal family like a nuclear family often seen on tv adverts
Single parents= a family consisting of only one parent who does most of the roles in the house
Boomerang= when the children move out but come back to live with parents due to financial reasons
Reconstituted= when one/both parents break up but join with another family creating step relations (blended)

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Marriage= a legal or religious ceremony where vows are take. By a couple to formally recognise their partnership.

Divorce= an irretrievable breakdown of a marriage

Cohabitation= live together but not married

Monogamy= one
Serial monogamy= keep having one partner but may split over time
Polygamy= many

Bigamy= two
Polygyny= a man having several wife's, is allowed by law in most of Africa and the Middle East and parts of Southern Asia
Polyandry= a women having several husbands is rare. Where it does happen it often involves a women marrying two or more brothers

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