Society and Culture change, 1917-1980
- Created by: Hollydenman
- Created on: 15-05-17 13:04
Position of women change 1917-1980
Impact of ww1
- before ww1 women struggling to get the vote
- war gave chance for women to work
- once the war ended most women fired to open job to returning men
- congress passed 19th amendment 1920 giving women the vote under the same rules of men
- 1920 the league of women's voters was set up
- many poor women didn't vote
- few black women voted especially in the south
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Position of women change 1917-1980
The roaring 20's
- after the war ended people thought things would return to 'normal with women going back to their traditional roles as wives
- most married women who worked were obliged to work at home for low wages
- some jobs such as teaching barred from women and employers made a rule not to employ women
- White women most open to change
- changing industry opened more office jobs such as working in a typing pool which became accepted as women work
- between 1910 and 1940 nom of women working went up from 7,640,000 (8.3% of the population) to 13,007,000 (9.8 % of the population)
- women 'last hired, first fired'
- flapper were women who worked, cut their hair short and wore nontraditional clothing like short skirts/dresses silk stockings etc...
- flappers would also smoke, drink and acted like young men.
- opinions on flappers varied some were shocked, this was mainly the traditional older people in society, whereas the younger generation looked up to them.
- speakeasies were seen as a place where no lady should go alone
- Once married many women took a more traditional role and flappers were only a small percentage
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position of women change 1917-1980
Impact of the New deal
- new deals aid for families with dependent children provided some benefits for the poorest families but as a rule, men came first
- 1933 civilian conservation corps provided 2.5 million young men with a job replanting forests and digging reservoirs whilst living in army-run camps
- similar job for women set up in 1933 camp Tera funded by mainly private donations
- 1936b only 36 camps taking 5,000 women a year and only took women on for 2-3 months and provided no work or wages.
- black women benefited little from the new deal
- ever dollar a white man earned a white woman earned 61 cents and 23 cents for black women
- Fannie Pecks set up housewives leagues in Detroit and encouraged white women to shop at black run stores they spread to other towns but only helped on a local level
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position of women change 1917-1980
Impact of ww2
- Rosie the Riveter iconic poster telling women 'we can do it' encourage women to join war work
- 1940 selective training and service prepared to draft men into the army and train women to replace men's jobs
- 1941 Lanham act childcare provision was extended in 1944 were 130,000 children were in day care
- percentage of married women working rose from 15- 23%
- the women's land army of America reformed to provide farm workers. held workshops and meetings and had their own publication
- worker shortages meant black women could train for professions they previously couldnt have like the number of black women training to be a nurse rose from 1,108 in 1939 to 2,600 in 1945
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Position of women change 1917-1980
Post-war changes
- many women not reemployed by factories that had turned from ammunition to electrical goods
- GI bills guaranteed education to return soldiers
- funded day care ended in 1946
- after dip immediately after the end of war women employment rose again
- women had a wider variety of jobs as restricted jobs had been suspended during the war and many restrictions were not reinstated
- workforce rose from 10.1 in 1940 to 22.2 in 1950
- 1936 82% thought women shouldn't work, 1942 13%
- the attitude of husband changed of women working
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position of women change 1917-1980
changes Suburban living made 1941- 1960
- suburbs sprung up post-war and were within commuting distance of cities
- socially segregated, black and white suburbs, integrated suburbs were rare
- black Americans trying to live in white suburbs found it difficult to find someone to buy from
- 1960 19 million people lived in suburbs more than in 1950 they had cinemas schools and leisure facilities
- advertising made people aspire to live there
- inner cities became locked in a 'downward spiral'
- the first large shopping mall was built in 1954 in the Detroit suburbs
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position of women change 1917-1980
Impact of the Women's Liberation movement 1961-80
- president Kennedy influenced by Eleanor Roosevelt set up a commission of enquiry on the status of women
- 1963 published its results praising the equal pay act
- 1963 report stated from infancy girls were not encouraged to think about careers
- 1958 education act said schools should have counsellors to work with students, only 12,000 counsellors for all state schools in USA1964 civil rights act included sexual equality
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Position of women change 1917-1980
Betty Friedan
- a psychologist and journalist published book called the 'feminine mystique' about constraints on suburban life and problems of white, educated, married women
- the book got women thinking of their rights
- This spurred women of white and middle class to gather and work more actively for women's rights
- NOW was the National Organisation for Women set up in 1966 with Friedan being a founding member
- Now wanted better enforcement of the equal pay act and civil rights act.
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position of women change 1917-1980
Young Radical
- second strand to the womens liberation movement, members under 30 white and college educated
- many had worked with civil rights group SNCC and SDS
- set up local radical groups to push for women's liberation and equality
- both strands of the movement wanted the same things: the right to have equal pay, opportunity, to decide about their own bodies eg. married/not, conception/not
- a national coalition of American nuns participated in a strike for women's rights in 1970
- Now membership rose from 1,000 in 1967 to 40,000 in 1974
- radical groups drew the most media attention and men could belittle the smaller radical groups easier than bigger ones such as NOW
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Position of women change 1917-1980
- conservatives rejected the women's liberation movement stating it as 'unamerican'
- 1960's liberalism made women's liberation lose support
- some didn't mind the call for equals but disagreed with contraception and abortion
- Phyllis Schlafly set up a group called 'stop ERA' to campaign against it in 1972
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position of women change 1917-1980
Gains and Limitations to advancement
- equal pay act + civil rights act
- a few states allowed abortions for specific circumstances
- abortion federally legalised 1973 by the supreme court ruling
- contraception allowed to non-married women ruled by the supreme court after Eisenstadt v Baird case 192
- 1972 equal rights act passed, 1982 15 states still refusing to ratify the ERA
- The USA didn't sign up to the 1979 united nations policy of introducing non-discrimination against women in all aspects of life
- Women's liberation movement disintegrated due to conservative opposition it faced
- Movement didn't represent all women and only represented middle class white women
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How Much Was Society Affected ByImmigration, 1917-
How far did earlier immigration affect reactions to immigrants in early 1920's
- open door policy to immigration before ww1
- an average of 170,000 immigrants a year would enter the US after breaking from British rules
- 1882 650,000 immigrants entered the US 1902 it was 1.2 million
- Black Americans headed for northern cities
- Dillingham commission investigated the impact of immigration on the US 1907-1911
- distinguished between old immigrants from Ireland and Germany who adapted to the new culture and society
- finding used to justify the immigration act in the 1920's including the emergency quota act 1921 which set limits on a number of immigrants
- post-war isolationism a factor causing the immigration acts of 1920's Red scare of 1919-1920 another factor
- gov tried to control rising hysteria by deporting thousands and introducing immigration laws
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How Much Was Society Affected ByImmigration, 1917-
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How Much Was Society Affected ByImmigration, 1917-
What was the effect of immigration in the 1920's
- each new wave of immigration came a wave of hostility from more established communities
- new immigrants created competition for jobs, housing, facilities of all kinds
- 1910 1.2% of US pop was Black 1920 4.1% were black
- 1920's legislation focused on immigration from Europe and Asian quota system didn't apply to south Americ
Immigration Legislation of the 1920's
- 1917 immigration act lists number of undesirable immigrants like homosexuals, insane and criminals and imposed literacy test for all over 16
- 1921 emergency quota act restricts yearly number of immigrants from any country to 3% of the total number of people living in the USA in 1910
- 1924 Jhonson-reed immigration act changed quota act to 2% of the people in the country of origin in the 1890 concensus
- 1929 National origins formula confirms the 150,000 limit and bans Asian immigrants altogether
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How Much Was Society Affected ByImmigration, 1917-
what impact did immigrants have on Urban Life 1919-1941
- Most immigrants landed at Ellis island in NewYork immigrants significant factor in industry growth in most towns and cities
- The USA called melting pot due to its various different immigrant nationalities living there
- urban areas broke down into segregated section based on ethnic groups
- towns and cities had nicknames like 'little Italy' theses areas kept the Italian language and intense catholic religion. There were also 'Chinatowns' etc.
- Detroit ford motor factory had large immigrant workforce, mass production lead to greater production and most of its workers were from eastern Europe
- children born in the USA of immigrants parents were adding to the pop without being labelled as 'foreign born'
- immigrants got the worst jobs, lowest wages and worst living conditions
- immigrants had an effect on politics on a local, state and federal level
- during the depression, they voted mostly for Roosevelt
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How Much Was Society Affected By Immigration, 1917
What impact did the ww2 have on immigrants
- once USA in war americans of italian, german and japanese nationality classed as enemys because of the pearl harbour attack
- buissness owers of the stated nationalities above had windows broken or customer shopped elsewhere
- hundreds of thousond 'enemy aliens' volenterred for the US military
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How Much Was Society Affected By Immigration, 1917
Government policy and its consequences
- after ww2 1952 immigration and nationality act passed which still used quotas but did not allow refugees
- during the cold war, many refugee laws were put in to allow refugees from communist countries
- Fidel Castro seized Cuba 200,000 fled to the USA
- Kennedy against quota system and when he was assassinated he was working on an immigration law that would abolish quotas
- johnson brought Kennedy's bill to congress and it became law in 1965
- after the fall of Saigon in 1975, USA took 130,000 Vietnam refugees
- Mexico had an average of 600,000 illegal immigrants entering the US a year in the 1970's
- 1980 1 million illegal aliens found, arrested and deported
- in 1970 there were an estimated 7 million illegal immigrants in the USA
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What Impact Did Popular Culture and News Media Hav
The social impact of cinema
- movies biggest entertainment media in USA 1917
- 1927 first 'talkie' shown in cinemas
- by 1941 nearly 10,500,000 cinema seats one for every 12.5 people
- movies gave people escapism and fed people fantasies by developing genres with specific people like Clara Bow who had sex appeal
- 1925 Clara Bow made 15 movies and Clarke Gable made 8 in 1925
- Shirley temple was making $5,000 a week in 1930 when the average wage was under $2,000 a year
- Hays code 1929-30 no crimes in detail so cannot be copied, drug smuggling never showed, white slave trade not shown, family life portrayed as good, lustful activities kept minimal, no swearing, no nudity
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What Impact Did Popular Culture and News Media Hav
The social impact of popular music and radio
- 1920's traditional music still listened to but in cities, jazz was more popular
- jazz dances developed like the charleston and black bottom but both sexually suggestive
- 1929 almost 50% of people had a record player and $75 million worth of records sold in 1929
- 1935 record sales dropped and radios picked up
- 1920's and 30's radio sales boomed
- the first commercial station broadcasted in 1920
- 1924 600 commercial radio stations
- radio advertisement was used to keep the radio stations going
- 1926 first national radio station (NBC) opened with a football game
- mass production made radios cheaper
- people felt a part of the mass culture all listening together
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What Impact Did Popular Culture and News Media Hav
The social impact of television from the 1950's
- Roosevelt the first president on TV
- after ww2 Gov gave media businesses tax breaks to develop and sell tv sets
- TV was sponsored and had advertising
- after the ww2 baby boom advertising targeted to children was used to get children asking their mothers to buy
- TV meant they could see politicians in action
- TV was good for politicians who spoke well like Kennedy but badly for Nixon who was awkward on air and not a good comunicater
- the public broadcasting act set up 1967 gov funded corporation for the public which set up the public broadcasting service (PBS)
- PBS channel was focused on educating and entertaining and was a liberal agenda
- 1967 Sesame street was aired on PBS and taught children about racial tolerance and sharing as well as counting and reading
- Kennedy v Nixon debates aired 1960
- M*A*S*H tv show presented issues to do with Vietnam war
- shows that represented black family life were comedies
- news programmes got more prime time spots
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What Impact Did Popular Culture and News Media Hav
The influence of broadcast news, 1920-1980
- a voice sounded more authoritative with news rather than newsprint
- newspapers could show photos whereas radio could not
- Roosevelt used radio to talk to the nation in his fireside chats
- radio helped to settle the wall street crash crisis
- 1960's live coverage of the Cuban missile crisis
- the broadcasting company had final say about what was shown
- Vietnam war first war shown on TV
- media very important on the presidency
- jimmy carter saw to not be managing his policy making well media decided carter was incompetent and seized upon events that underlined this
- media showed quarters brother to be involved in scandals and looked bad on Carter and also showed carter collapsing during a marathon which ended in carter losing his reelection
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