unit 1 english legal system
just revision not whole topic
- Created by: oli
- Created on: 10-05-11 20:59
Role of Courts
Offender found guilty
Role of court is to find the correct sentencing for the crime and the offender
Magistrates have a maximum fine of £5000 and a maximum sentence of 6 months for one offence and 12 months for more than one offence
Criminal Justice Act 2003 has provision which means these sentences can be lengthed to 12 months for one and 15 months for more than one
Crown court has no limits up to life sentences and no limit for fines
Crown court deals with more serious cases
Restrictions on courts sentences
Each offence has a set maximum sentence that has been set by parliment
Such as theft has a maximum limit of 7 years regardless of how much the person has stolen
Some offences have a maximum sentence of life and these include manslaughter and ****. In these cases the judges have complete discretion.
Whereas murder has manditory life sentence which the judge will have to pass
Aims of Sentencing
s 142 Criminal justice Act 2003 sets out aims of sentencing for adults:
- Punishment/retribution
- Deterence
- Reform/rehab
- Protection of public
- Reparation for offenders
Aims of Sentences
Retribution-tariff system set out by Sentencing Guidlines Council
Deterrence-General ,individual
Reform-Forward looking, creates individualised sentencing
Protection of public-under Criminal justice act 2003 can set imprisonment for public protection
Reparation-Aims at compensating the victim
Dennciation-disaproval by society
Sentencing Practice in the Courts
Factors surrounding the offfence; set out in s 143 Criminal Justice Act 2003:
- Previous convictions
- Was the defendant on bail
- Racial or Religious hostility in the offence
- Hostility against disabilitys or gender
These are aggravating factors
Guilty Plea
may be a reduction in the sentence if the defendant pleads guilty at certain moments in the case:
1/3 will be taken off the sentence for pleading guilty at the first reasonable instance
1/4 after the trial is set
1/10 Door of court
Offenders Background
Some aspects of the defendant will be looked at throughout the case and will affect the sentence:
- Pre-sentence reports
- Medical Reports
- Financial Situation of the offender
Sentencing Guidlines Council
Set up in 2003 by Criminal justice Act 2003
Issues guidelines on any aspects of sentencing
They must make the guidlines in regards to:
- need for consistancy
- Costs of sentencing
- Promoting public confidence in the justice system
Guidelines they have made:
- overarchingprinciples on sentencing in domestic violence cases
- guidance on robbery cases
Power of the Courts
Custodial Sentences:
- Manditory life sentences
- Discretionary life sentences
- Fixed -term Sentences
These sentences are for crimes that cannot be justified with a fine or community sentence
Other Sentences:
- Home detention Curfew
- Extended sentences-where the offender is at liberty on licence (only for up to 10 years
- Minimum sentences
- Suspended sentences- up to two years if the offender does not commit any more crimes in this time the sentence will not be served
Community orders
S177 of criminal justice Act 2003:
- Unpaid work requirement-40 to 300 hours on a suitable project
- Prohibited activity requirement
- Curfew
- Exclusion- cant go certain places
- Supervision
Magistrates can impose a fine on a offender up to £5000 for an individual or up to £20000 for a buissness
Disqualification from Driving
Compensation order
Deprivation order-lose car or other object used in the offence
Deffered sentences- if the judge thinks the offenders circumstances are going to change can be deffered for six months and reopened to see if the ofender has reformed
Young offenders
Main aim is rehabilitation
Available sentences:
Young offenders institutions-18 to 20
Detention and training orders-12 to 21
Community orders-16 and over
Supervision orders-18 and under
Mentally Ill
Wider range of powers
Requirement to have treatment
May be required to have a hospital order- s1 Metal health act 1983
Can be sent to secure hospital for public protection
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