Section 1 - History
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- Created by: Ella Green
- Created on: 19-05-14 10:14
The Liberals, 1865 - 1873
- 1865 = threshold of social and political change
- Great Reform Act of 1832 = shaped British political system for over 30 years
- Increased franchise and bought about a redistribution of seats
- Landed classes still held power, although forced to share with middle classes
- 1.2 million men had the vote out of 30 million
- No system of voting in private = voters open to bullying, bribery and corruption
- Second Reform Act of 1867 = extended franchise to the artisan class
- New voters ensured victory of the Liberals
- Gladstone introduced a number of innovative reforms
- Could be said to be responsible in helping to establish the basis of our modern State
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Composition of the Liberals
- Powerful aristocratic landowning families
- Believed in a consistutional monarchy - monarch's powers of patronage were limited
- Passed the First Parliamentary Reform Act in 1832
- In favour of further franchise as long as it was controlled
- Supportive of the nonconformists
- Included in their numbers = Roman Catholic Lords
- Titled Whigs = House of Lords
- Junior Branches = House of Commons
- Some began to branch off and call themselves 'Liberals'
- They believed in individual liberty, freedom of press and religion, and free trade
- Many were nonconfirmists = believed the Church should be separate and free from State patronage and control
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Composition of the Liberals
- Followed Sir Robert Peel over his repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846
- Conservative party was split into Protectionists and Peelite free traders
- Ensured that Conservatives didn't have the majority for a long time to come
- They increasingly voted with the Whigs
- Numbers fell away so they fused with the Liberals by 1859
- Wealthy and industrial backgrounds
- Gladstone = leading Peelite
- Free thinking middle class individuals
- Adopted the doctrine of Utilitarrianism
- Belief in taking actions that would be of greatest pleasure to the greatest number of people
- Wanted change in the social order
- Opposed political and economic dominance of the landowning classes
- Opposed privileged position of the Church of England as the establishing Church
- Wanted extension of the franchise, the removal of government restrictions and free trade
- John Brights = influential Radical
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Gladstonian Liberalism
- Wider Liberal beliefs = 'Peace, Retrenchment, Reform'
- If peace could be maintained with other nations, this would enable trade and industry to develop unhindered by the disruptions of war
- Taxation could be more easily kept under control, too
- Gladstone wanted to 'live to see the day when income tax would be abolished'
- Policy of retrenchment would also reduce the neccessity of raising taxes
- Tax = depriving people of the freedom to spend their money as they wished
- Concerned with bringing about changes in laws and institutions that prevented people from acting freely
- Three principles tied in with laissez-faire principles and the doctrine of self-help
- They believed in liberty of freedom of the individual and religious toleration
- Supported free trade = means of creating prosperity
- Upheld the principle of parliamentary government, within a limited democracy
- Overhaul of the parliamentary system was needed to reflect the changes in the distribution and wealth of the population that had occured after the Industrial Revolution
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Liberal Support in the Country
- Most support for the liberals came from the towns and the boroughs
- Urban centres of population were still expanding and were full of middle class men
- Saw the Liberals as reflecting their aspirations and values
- They helped to keep the Liberals in power for almost 20 years
- Support grew from the impact of three key developments:
- The rise of the provincial press
- The growth of the new model unions
- The appearance of the political dimension to Nonconformist movement
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Liberal Support in the Country
The Rise of the Provincial Press:
- Until the 1860s = London press dominanted the newspaper industry
- Coming of the railways, invention of the telegraph and the removal of stamp duties
- Dramatic increase both in titles and circulation
- New press = Liberal in terms of ownership, employees and readership
- Able to influence large numbers of voters across industrial towns
- Considerable benefit to the Liberal Party
- One example = The Newcastle Chronicle
The Growth of the New Model Unions:
- Gave their support the Liberals
- Represented the interests of skilled workers such as engineers
- These workers benefitted from the extension of the franchise in 1867
- Sought to improve their conditions by self-help and self-education
- Unions functioned as friendly societies
- Set up schemes to give benefits to members in times of hardship
- Legal position = not clearly defined and funds not protected by law
- Unions hoped that once Liberals were in government = they would strengthen the unions' legal position
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Liberal Support in the Country
The Political Activities of the Nonconformists:
- Wanted to achieve equal treatment with the Church of England
- End its privilege as the established Church
- Led by the Liberation Society = political wing of the nonconformists
- Steady backing of the Liberal party helped to nsure the Nonconformists vote
- Support = crucial
- 50% of the church-going populaion was Nonconformist
- Wealthiest and most influential
- Geographically spread
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Problems of the Conservatives
Finding a suitable leader:
- Lost power of the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846
- Held short period in office between 1846-1852 and 1858-1859
- Both occassions = minority governments
- Difficult to pass any legislation
- Lord Derby = conservative leader but not entitled to sit in the House of Commons
- Power of the Lords had weakened after the formation of new constituencies in industrial towns
- Difficult for Lords to influence procedures in the Commons
- Could still use their veto to block measures they disliked
- Few Conservatives of real quality to lead the party in the Commons
- One exception = Disraeli
- However, despised and distrusted by many in the party because of his background
- His leadership was an unavoidable necessity as he appeared ot be the person with clear ideas about policy
- Vital to present new policies to win support of the electorate
- Important to get the message across by holding public meetings and finding good speakers to inspire the crowd
- Considerable competition
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Problems of the Conservatives
- Disraeli bought the party round to accepting the principle of reform
- Developed ideas on the need for social reform
- Conservative defeat in 1868
- Set about managing the reorganisation of the party machinery
- Helped to bring Conservative victory in the election of 1874
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Issues of Parliamentary Reform
- Series of reform bills introduced between 1851 and 1866 appeared to have failed
- Little public pressure and the middle class voters were satisfied with current system
- Several factors brought about a change in attitude towards question of reform:
Changing attitudes towards reform:
- Change in attitude within political parties and make-up of the parties
- Helped to bring parliamentary reform to the forefront
- Old Whig Party was transforming into the Liberal Party
- Commercial and industrial members had growing influence
- Extend their political status and power, even if only through seat redistribution
- Gladstone was converteed to a belief in reform and led the party in this direction
- Radicals were becoming more effective within the Liberal Party
- Conservatives also accepted the need for change
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Issues of Parliamentary Reform
The Conversion of Gladstone to belief in reform:
- Gladstone began to defend the moral right of decent working men to have the vote
- Enough evidence to be confident that they would vote responsibly
- Gladstone's statement offered encouragement ot Radical reform groups
- Became convinced of the need for reform
The Growth of Interest in the Democratic Ideal:
- American Civil War and the movement for Italian Uniication
- Seen by British people as struggles for freedom and democracy
- Created a popular surge of interest in reform
- Garibaldi - hero of the Italian unification movement
- Visited London in 1864 and thousands flocked to hear him speak
- Authorities clamped down on public meetings
- Angry protests from his supporters
- Repressive response led to setting up of "The Reform League" in 1865
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Issues of Parliamentary Reform
The Reform League (1865), The Reform Union (1864) and Trade Union Pressure:
- Reform League = working-class alliance with strong trade union support
- Aim was to work towards democracy through universal male suffrage and a programme of radical reform
- Local branches sprang up in the manufacturing towns
- Central organisation = chaotic
- Able to mobilise its considerable force of trade union members and make presence felt
- Additional pressure = London Trades Council who organised a campaign for reform
- Reform League = more successful than Reform Union
- Created a few months earlier in 1864
- Largely middle-class organisation that called for a secret ballot
- Focused on seeking the redistribution of seats to correct the imablance caused by changes and movement in the population
- John Bright encouraged the two to work together but the class divide created tensions
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Issues of Parliamentary Reform
Radical Pressure:
- Kept up the pressure for reform from both inside and outside parliament
- John Bright toured the country encouraging men to demand their democratic rights
- Put forward convincing arguments on behalf of the skilled workers in favour of extending the franchise
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Issues of Parliamentary Reform
The Impact of Rise in Living Standards and Population Changes:
- Economic prosperity after 1850 led to overall rise in the standard of living
- Made Liberals keen to accepting the idea of extending the franchise to include skilled working class
- Saved wages in friendly societies and the Post Office Saving Bank set up by Gladstone in 1861
- Formed responsible trade unions through which they provided self-help and a form of social security
- They had proved themselves to be responsible
- For example, the Lancashire Cotton Workers
- Responsible attitude had not brought them any political advantage
- Few of them had the right to vote
- Many lived in industrial cities with one or two MPs
- Largely under-represented
- Size of constituencies became very uneven as a result of population growth
- No new constituencies had been formed even though industrial revoltion created new towns and cities
- Demographic changes were forcing the issue of reform on the political agenda
- Tackled by whichever party was in power
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The Second Reform Act, 1867
- Death of Palmerston cleared the way for Liberals to address the question of reform
- Gladstone and Lord John Russell drew up a Reform Bill
- Well reasoned and moderate
- Backing of Radical John Bright
- Proposed an extension of the vote for those in the towns who owned or rented a propery with a rateable value for £7 a year, instead of existing £10 qualification
- Counties = vot was given to those who rented property with a rateable value of £14 a year
- Give to vote to skilled workers and smallholders
- Extended the electorate by 400,000 men
- They called a meeting in the Town Hall in 1865 to demonstrate their approval
- Reform League was disappointed and the Bill was thrown out
- Damaging = opposition from 40 liberals led by Robert Lowe
- Claimed the reform would give political power to the 'ignorant'
- They rejected the idea that the skilled workers had proved themselves
- He saw the vote as a privilege to be awarded to those who improved themselves to the extent that they could meet the existing qualifications
- Amendedment = cutting number of new skilled voters in the boroughs
- Russell resigned
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The Second Reform Act, 1867
- Conservatives formed a minority government under Lord Derby
- Reform League organised demonstrations across the country
- They were not going to give up until they had achieved their aims
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Disraeli tackles Parliamentary Reform
- Lord Derby led a minority Conservative government into office
- Disraeli = leader in the commons and chancellor of the exchequer
- Lack of progress on the franchise
- Working classes were feeling the effects of the bad harvest from the previous ear
- Another outbreak of cholera causing panic
- Collapse of London's most successful finance houses, Overend and Gurney
- Followed by a stock market tumble
- Domino effect brough about the collpapse of many other businesses
- Threatened high unemployment and helped to spark the huge demonstrations
- Outbreak fo violence near Hyde Park in 1866, after a Reform League meeting was prevented from taking place
- Similar demonstration took place in 1867
- Resulting pressure persuaded Disraeli to seize the moment and take credit for what had generally been regarded as a Liberal reform
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Disraeli tackles Parliamentary Reform
- Conservative reform bill contained checks to restrict the number of working-class voters
- Balances with 'fancy franchises' and dual votes for many members of middle classes
- Dropped these when there was fierce opposition from Gladstone and a chance the bill would be lost
- Disraeli = accepted the radical proposals in the amendment of Hodgkinson, simply in order to get the Bill throuhg the commons and get the better of Gladstone
- Derby secured its smooth passage
- Convinced the Lords that it would ensure a Conservative victory in the next election
- Ended up being more democratic than Derby or Disraeli imagined
- Hodgkinson's amendment enfranchised the skilled worker in the towns
- Further shifting of the centre of political power away from the landed classes
- Disraeli = opportunist
- He thought that the Conservative could win over the skilled workers who were to be enfranchised
- He hoped that the Conservatives could then break a long record of poor election results
- Essential to change public perception of the Conservatives as an anti-reform party
- They introduced parliamentary reform legislation that was more far reaching than the Liberal Bill of the previous year
- Conservatives lost the 1868 election
- Gladstone was awarded for his consistent support for the Reform Act
- Gladstone had united the Liberals and pleased the Nonconformists by putting Irish Church Reform on agenda
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The Second Reform Act, 1867
The Franchise was extended:
In the boroughs to:
- All male householders over 21, who had lived at the same address for 12 months
- Lodgers who paid £10 a year in rent and had lived at the same address for 12 months
In counties to:
- The forty-shilling freeholders
- The £5 copyholders and £12 tenants
Redistribution of Seats:
- 53 seats were taken from boroughs with a population of under 10,000
- 25 seats were given to English counties
- 20 seats were given to larger English boroughs and towns
- 8 seats were given to Scottish burghs and counties
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The Second Reform Act, 1867
Effects of the 1867 Reform Act:
- Number of voters had increased - 1.2 million to 2.5 million
- 1/3 of the male adult population could now vote
- Greatest increase occured in boroughs, where skilled workers had the vote
- Parties improved their organisations to capture new voters
- Led indirectly to the 1870 Education Act
- Expedient to educate new voters
- Impact reduced for artisan class because of limited nature of the redistribution of seats
- No women could vote
- Huge cities such as Birmingham were only given 1 extra seat to add to the two they had
- Distribution of seats did not correspond to the size of the population
- Rural areas remained over-represented
- Industrial Midlands = under-represented
- Smaller increase in the electorate in the counties
- Boroughs with a population of just over 10,000 had same representation as those with 400,000
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'The Best can be the Enemy of the Good'
- 1868 election = Gladstone became PM for the first time
- Liberal majority = 106 over the Conservatives
- Clear mandate to implement policies based on the principles of Gladstonian Liberalism
- Administration efficiency, cut backs on government spending, pursuing free trade and prmoting the freedom of the individual
- Gladstone's cabinet = Liberals, Radicals, Peelites,Whigs
- All were Anglican except for John Bright who was a Quacker
- Reforms = vast in number
- Addressed important social and political issues
- Debate = to what extent they satisfied
- Liberals = awkward coalition
- Gladstone held the party together, on the surface, for five years
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Pressure Groups
- Several key pressure groups existed
- Single issue groups
- Shared some of the same membership and the thread of Nonconformism ran through them
- The Liberation Society: aimed at the disestablishment of the Church of England. In 1871, pressure was put on Nonconformist MPs to accept a disestablishment motion, but it was firmly defeated with a clear lead from Gladstone
- The National Education League: campaign for free, compulsory and non-religious education in State schools. It's leadership was Nonconformist and included Chamberlain. Its dissatisfaction with the 1870 Education Act caused potential division in the party
- The United Kingdom Alliance: Temperace movement founded in 1852. It was based in Manchester and sought the outlaw of the sale of alcohol. It regarded the 1872 Licensing Act as a partial success
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Position of Labour and Trade Union Leaders
- Little concept of a separate Labour party
- Few working-class men who entered parliament did so as Liberals
- Regional Trades Councils encouraged the setting up of a national organisation for unions
- A Trade Unions Congress (TUC) met for the first time in 1868 in Manchester
- Pressure to bear on the government to give trade unions legal recognition
- Union leaders = keen to cooperate with the Liberals
- TUC became an annual event after its London meeting in 1871
- It represented the trade union movement as a whole
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