1917 30% of the population could read and write
- Civil War: 1918 50% soldiers illiterate, 1925 100%
- Lunacharsky set up network of reading rooms
- Learning was not a priority outside of the Red Army
- NEP: Metalworkers union reported 14% to 4% illiteracy in 1926
- 38% 1914 to 55% by 1928
- Under Stalin: FYP failed to eradicate illiteracy as 40% of teachers attacked by 1939 94%
Kosmol & Young Pioneers 1918&1922: Meant to be young representatives of the CP instead had reputation for drunkenness and hooliganism. Expected to spy on parents under Stalin
- K had large faith in Kosmol (playing leading roles in factories)
- Brezhnev was superstitious, viewed as potentially dangerous.